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Although he told Ting'er, he never thought of letting Ting'er take the risk. I'm going I want to avenge my master Ting'er looked at Ao Chen with a firm tone.

Upon hearing this, Ao Muqing's delicate body trembled, You're cheating You're cheating I told you not to fight back I didn't fight back, I was still standing there, but you didn't know where you went, you seemed to have disappeared Jiang Shi joked, suppressing a smile.

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But even so, Jiang Shi still felt palpitating The flames, it's up to you Jiang Shi shouted angrily, and the true energy in his body surged again, desperately passing it to the flames above his head.

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It would be great if Ruxuan were here Jiang Shi thought to himself. As a heavenly soul, Ruxuan is the nemesis of these ghosts.

It was only at this moment that Han Feng and the other three noticed the abnormalities around them. From this point, we can see that there is a big gap between them and Jiang Shi.

She suddenly turned around and said, Master Jiang, if I guess correctly, you are the romantic master Jiang Shi did not deny or admit it.

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Jiang Shi nodded and secretly made a mental note to go to Minshui City to visit Xiao Yu when he could avoid the limelight.

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He was extremely speechless, This kid is obviously not older than me He actually called me little guy Let's go The young man in black shouted, paced in the air, and walked away.

Jiang Shi and Wan Liyun walked together, wandering around the Dengyun Peak. Brother Fengliu, look at that girl in front of you, she must be a beauty Wan Liyun's eyes gleamed and his mouth watered.

He had never seen such a martial arts contest before, so he had to take a good look at it today At this moment, a middle aged man walked out of the ring.

Before I leave, I will adjust the time flow rate in Haotian Immortal Mansion to the limit, and you will lead the Tianmen elite to hone your skills there Of course, it's not ordinary practice, but here Jiang Shi opened the Fenglei Tower with a wave of his hand, and three layers of silver water flowed and surged rapidly inside.

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Enter the four artifacts Whoosh Jiang Shi raised one hand, and four artifacts rose into the sky. Jiang Shi turned sideways, turned one hand into a claw, and released a huge suction force to suck the four artifacts into his hand.

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It seems to be him Jiang Shi, I have finally waited for you The man said to himself, with a bloodthirsty look flashing in his eyes.

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Where are they Huh Humph, you dare to peek into my cave Jiang Shi suddenly snorted coldly and appeared in the cave in an instant, and then his tyrannical consciousness rushed out, Get out Bang Pfft A light flashed in the air, An old man in black vomited blood and fell from the air Whoosh Jiang Shi grabbed his hand, and a strong wind shot out, directly grabbing the old man from the air Bang Jiang Shi pinched the old man's throat and said sternly Who are you Tell me Don't say death Tsk, tsk, this poor Taoist is Zhuifeng Zhenren The old man said with difficulty, without any worry in his eyes.

Long, and Uncle Teng's family all flew over, looking at Jiang Shi with worried faces. Don't worry, everyone, I'm fine Ahem Jiang Shiben tried to squeeze out a smile, but instead coughed up a stream of blood.

Long, how many soldiers and horses does our Tianmen currently have When Mr. Long heard this, he thought for a moment. When Jiang Shi heard this, he smiled, Very good The God Eating Platform is about to appear. This time, I, Yunsheng, and Qing'er will board the God Eating Platform.

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Be confident Because even you can defeat that uncle A group of people came outside the house. At this moment, Yun Sheng's posture was obviously that he was going to fight.

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Boss, since they are seeking revenge from you, let me crush them Yun Sheng geared up, his eyes full of excitement. But Jiang Shi waved his hand and looked at Uncle Teng's family.

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Jiang Shi nodded, The Emperor of Two Souls is extremely talented and has achieved supreme magic. I admire him. The Emperor of Two Souls laughed. He looked at Manshi, then at Jiang Shi, and murmured in his heart, Why is this Emperor of Heaven coming to my place when he has nothing to do Is it for the fragments Are you robbing or borrowing Two Souls The emperor was thinking secretly, but Jiang Shi had already gone straight to the point, Emperor Two Souls, I only came here for one thing Of course, you can definitely do it Here comes the topic The Emperor Two Souls was shocked and said boldly The Emperor of Heaven said it's okay.

I hope you can look for it with me I can't resist the resentful spirit alone. The first Jingyu was so shocked that Jiang Shiling was on the spot.

Brother Wang, I think no matter whether their target is us or not, we should not move forward, in case Jiang Shi suggested, because he feels that those people's target must be them Otherwise, why are there a bunch of people gathered in front of me in broad daylight Are they basking in the sun Wang Mingshan understood what Jiang Shi meant, but the team could not stop moving forward, otherwise it would delay the return of the divine crystal, and they would be punished Wang Mingshan frowned and thought, pacing back and forth.

Past Jiang Shi breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Sky Blue Star was also sealed. If Sky Blue Star can't go there, he would have no choice but to return to the fairy world However, if Jiang Shi knew what happened to Tianmen in the Immortal World, would he still return to the world of cultivation Are you ready If you are, I will start the teleportation The reception boy said with a smile.

Ruxuan turned her head and glanced at Jiang Shi. She found that Jiang Shi had an expression of blessing them. Suddenly, tears welled up in Ruxuan's eyes again. She turned to look at Wen Hao, Brother Wen Hao, Ruxuan can't go with you Because Ruxuan is no longer the same Ruxuan as before What What do you mean Ruxuan, what's wrong with you Wen Hao was stunned.

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r n r n Hehe. Jiang Shi smiled evilly. He was about to say something when he suddenly frowned and scooped out the summons token, Ah Shi, return to Lingze Gate quickly If you need something, Let's discuss the matter r n r n Brother Jiang, what's wrong Shang Qing'er looked at Jiang Shi who suddenly frowned, and had a bad feeling in her heart.

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The conversation with the man in gold meant that he didn't learn much useful information. But fortunately, he knew that he had to use the God Eating Platform to pass through the Abyss.

The blood had not dried up yet, and he could smell the smell of blood in the air. Get down Yu Wenfeng fell to the ground and came to the forest where Jiang Shi and others were.

Come liberty cbd gummy bears for sale and kill yourself. You know, Tianmen has gone through many hardships since the Zuishen Pagoda was founded. Every time, the Emperor killed everyone and ended the war with war, thus preserving Tianmen Therefore, the power of Tianmen is famous far and wide, but it is a reputation The Emperor of Heaven, in the hearts of everyone in the immortal world, is even more of a god of murder However, in the endless star field of the fairy world, there are tens of thousands of stars, and most people are more curious about Jiang Shi's appearance According to legend, he is an ascender from the lower realm, and it only took him more than two thousand years to ascend to the fairy realm This time, in the long years of the fairy world, is just a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the other five commanders were so frightened that their faces turned pale. This person is too cruel, evil demon, this is the real demon.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.