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Movement Jiang Shi frowned, thinking that Yu Wenfeng was so strange. Why was there suddenly no movement after he appeared Logically speaking, he should come to take revenge Nangong De looked at Jiang Shi, smiled slightly, and said slowly It's not that he doesn't want to seek revenge on you, but he can't find you When Jiang Shi heard this, he suddenly realized that it seemed that the Antarctic Holy Emperor had already taken action since Deng Yunfeng However, Nangong De didn't say it explicitly, and Jiang Shi didn't ask.

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She kept looking at Jiang Shi, and her interest in Jiang Shi seemed to be increasing. Emperor Ling, as the elder of the Bird Clan, I hope you can help my Uncle Shang more in the future.

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The sight in front of him was incredible. Are these corpses alive or dead Or is it a fake corpse Whoosh Jiang Shi splashed the water and sank rapidly.

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This process is not easy, but Huo Miao and Jiang Shi are indistinguishable from each other. Huo Miao feels the limits of the material and can refine it better.

At the same time, he also knew that Yunsheng and others'life was very difficult during this period. Jiang Shi knew that there were all rogue bandits near the Luoshen Mountain Range.

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Quite a few Yes These ascended ones are well known figures in the lower world. I didn't expect that they would be poisoned after coming up Hush Do you want to die What do you mean by poisonous hands Shut up Be careful that trouble comes from your mouth The immortal soldiers were extremely bored and chatted without a word.

But boss, we can't give up, can we nonsense Of course you can t give up Collect it first and then talk Jiang Shi smiled thiefly, and together with Chang Qing'er and Yunsheng, the three people's rings lit up frequently, and they unceremoniously took this sacred crystal mountain into their pockets.

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At this moment, silhouettes appeared in the air one after another, either landing on the top of the mountains, or floating in the sky, but no one dared to enter the Qingtan Lake, and no one dared to step beyond the Thunder Pond.

Then he raised his arm and punched the purple thunder and lightning Bang The moment the two sides came into contact, Jiang Shi's eyes widened and his arms went numb.

Eyes Isn't that my wife The first lady said quietly and then stopped talking, but there was a look of loss in her eyes.

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r n r n Grandpa Li Bai asked me to return to Lingzemen immediately, saying that we have something important to discuss Jiang Shi said in a deep voice, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

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Mr. Jiang, what's wrong with you First Jing was a little weak, the blush on her pretty face receded, and she looked very pale.

Devouring God Platform 386 Not long after, Nangong De appeared quietly. He walked into the restaurant and looked at Jiang Shi with a smile.

Okay Grandpa Li Bai, let's go Qing'er, Yun Sheng, Huo Wu, Xue Jiao, Zhu Qing, you must be careful Jiang Shi stared at the crowd with worry in his eyes.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.