Honor World Day for Farmed Animals by Trying Some of the GREATEST Vegan Recipes (2024)

Since 1983, World Day for Farmed Animals has been dedicated toexposing the suffering and death of farmed animals. Its website states that “World Day for Farmed Animals will continue until animals are no longer seen as commodities, raised for their flesh and by-products.” We agree – there are more than 58 billion farm animals killed each year in the U.S. alone.

In observance of this day, we’ve complied some of the greatest vegan recipes. In honor of farmed animals everywhere, we challenge you to put down the animal products and give plant-based meals a try. You may be surprised that vegan food can be tasty, filling and fun! Don’t let myths of vegan food deter you from making a choice that can not only help yourself feel better, but extend as a positive action that will affect the world as a whole. We all have the power to lessen and eventually completely rid the suffering of sentient beings with the choices we make every day: what we choose to consume.

In honor of farmed animals, here are some of the greatest vegan recipes to choose.

1. The Vegan Eggplant Crunchburger

This is one big, messy burger! It’s a delicious and vegan take on Bobby Flay’s signature burger, The Crunchburger.

2. Coconut Bacon

Forget the charred pig’s flesh; did you know that coconut can be made into a bacon-like snack?

3. Fried Artichokes Over Lemon Butter

Even if you’re a green veggie hater, it’s hard to pass on artichokes when they’re fried to a golden brown like this.

4. Baked Broccoli Burgers

Many people may not like the moist and chewy texture of steamed or boiled broccoli, but try it baked and this vegetable takes on a whole new life.

5. Fresh Summer Vegan Pesto Pizza

Pesto makes for a delicious dip, spread or sauce, but versions you purchase in the store or in a restaurant can often contain some type of cheese. Not on this pizza!

6. Spaghetti Squash With Basil and Creamy Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce

If you’re looking to cut carbs, try using spaghetti squash in place of noodles for a pasta dish.

7. Beginner Green Smoothie

Does drinking something green-colored scare you if it’s not Halloween? Relax a bit and give this smoothie a whirl. It’s perfect for beginners!

8. Mindblowing Banana Chocolate Caramel Vegan Ice Cream Cake

This recipe is aptly titled. If you’re new to plant-based eating, reading the simple ingredients that make up this decadent-looking cake almost seem unreal. It’s amazing what you can do with all natural ingredients!

9. DQ Style Vegan Ice Cream Cake

As plant-based eaters, we can still enjoy our old favorites from restaurants, but re-invented to be 100% cruelty-free!

10. Tandoori Tofu

This recipe includes instructions for a spiced tomato yogurt sauce. Use it as a marinade and pour extra over the top of the tofu, along with veggies and rice.

11. Vegan Cashew Cheese

This is a very easy recipe that you can use in countless dishes. You can use it to replace items like cream cheese or ricotta in recipes that call for dairy ingredients.

12. Raw Vegan Chocolate and Peanut Butter Fudge

Almost everyone loves the rich, creamy taste of fudge. This peanut butter chocolate flavor will not disappoint!

13. Lentil Meat Balls

These lentil meatballs are savory and hearty. Try putting them over your spaghetti dish.

14. Fresh Vegan Moxarella Cheese

This cheese will stretch and melt like mozzarella cheese, so try it on a homemade pizza.

15. Easy Loaded Quesadillas

Use refried beans and hummus to bind these quesadillas together. Inside, they have a filling of onions, spices and assorted fresh veggies.

16. Vegan Falafel Waffle

If you like falafel and waffles, you definitely have to try this recipe!

17. Chickpea Fries

These juicy, crispy chickpea fries will make for a great appetizer or game day snack on the next Football Sunday.

18.Zucchini and Tomato Lasagna With Cashew Herb Cheese

Are you looking for a healthier dinner option? Try this dish, which requires no cooking and contains a delicious cashew herb cheese.

19. Blueberry Strawberry Banana Ice Cream Cake

Doesn’t this cake look gorgeous? Layer the berries on the outside of the cake for a pretty presentation.

20. Deep Dish Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake

This is the ultimate chocolatey, peanut-buttery explosion, and it’s packed with healthy ingredients like banana, hemp seeds, flax seeds, and cacao powder.

21. Raw Fruit Popsicles with Coconut Milk

These popsicles are so easy to make. All you need is fresh raw coconut milk, raw cane sugar, frozen fruit and optional herbs like thyme, rosemary or basil.

Lead image source:Fresh Summer Vegan Pesto Pizza

These might be the greatest vegan recipes, but if you’re hungry for more, make sure to check out Your 25 Favorite Vegan Recipes From 2014, 25 Vegan Recipes for People Who Think There’s No Life Without Meat and Cheese, and The 30 Most Viral Vegan Recipes of 2016!

Honor World Day for Farmed Animals by Trying Some of the GREATEST Vegan Recipes (2024)


Can vegans eat animals that died naturally? ›

Although eating an animal that has died of natural causes could be seen as harmless, if taken subjectively and acknowledged as an equal life rather than just a piece of meat, doing so would not align with our usual morals or beliefs.

What do vegans believe about animals? ›

"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and ...

Do vegans live longer than meat? ›

There is no evidence of a difference in life expectancy.

Can you eat a cow if it dies of old age? ›

You can quite easily. Meat from a natural-death cow will be tougher - age and movement makes muscles fibres stronger. Also a dairy cow will be much leaner than beef cattle, a consequence of much energy going to milk production instead of fat storage. The flavour is also stronger and more gamey.

What does God think of vegans? ›

In these verses, God institutes a plant-based diet for both humans and non-human animals alike. God, in other words, created the world vegan. And it is this vegan world which God proceeds to declare very good (Genesis 1:31).

Do vegans drink milk? ›

A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

Can vegans eat honey? ›

The bottom line. Vegans try to avoid or minimize all forms of animal exploitation, including that of bees. As a result, most vegans exclude honey from their diets. Some vegans also avoid honey to take a stand against conventional beekeeping practices that can harm bee health.

Can you eat a fish that died of natural causes? ›

Fish can be carriers of viruses or bacteria, but may show no signs of disease. Fish that appear normal are safe to eat so long as the fish is properly cooked. Do not eat fish you found dead, decomposing, or that appears sick. Wash your hands after handling fish especially if they are dead or appear diseased.

Is being vegan humane? ›

Going vegan is one of the best things you can do to help stop animal cruelty. By refusing to pay for animal products, you reduce the demand for them, which ensures fewer animals are bred to suffer and die on farms and in slaughterhouses.

Can vegans survive without meat? ›

Such a diet is not generally rich in proteins, omega-3 and6, vitamin B12, etc. Supplements must be taken to fulfil the daily requirements of various nutrients and minerals. Gut issues can be a challenge for vegans. Therefore, humans are living without meat and can continue to do so.

Do vegans eat living organisms? ›

A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.


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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.