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They feel like they are sitting on a pinhead at this moment Today was the day for the Ten Thousand Beast Clan to select its leader, and by chance, Jiang Shi caught up with him.

Thank you for killing me Jiang Shi breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly put on a smile on his face. Let's go The two immortal soldiers glanced at Jiang Shi and led the way away.

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It flashed and disappeared without a trace. Before leaving, Jiang Shi's voice sounded in Jiang Shi's mind, Shangguan Yun's voice said, Brother Jiang, the Drunken God Tower is a conspiracy.

As a result, they both shook their heads, not knowing the origin of this thing. But black iron is extremely hard, and any magic attack or physical attack has no effect The queen ant and the ant king did not leave even the slightest trace on the black iron with all their blows Although I don t know what it is, it is at least comparable to a divine weapon Jiang Shi shook his head and stopped thinking.

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Long appeared next to Jiang Shi and said while staring at the light screen in the sky. Jiang Shi was stunned, from the demon world So this person is a monster People from the demon world actually infiltrated into the fairy world Jiang Shi stared at the light curtain, and the immortal puppet in the light curtain said Put down what I want and save your life Otherwise, I don't mind revealing your identity What The Daluo Jinxian was shocked when he heard this.

Go down and prepare. We will go to Black Wind Star immediately Jiang Shi said in a deep voice. Binghuo. t Wang Yunhe nodded, but hesitantly said Master, I am afraid that this news cannot be blocked, because not only are we monitoring the Black Wind Star, but some other neighboring planets are also monitoring the Black Wind Star At this moment, I am afraid that the entire Silver Python The Star Territory already knows about the Drunkard Pavilion What Jiang Shi raised his brows and released a murderous aura, In that case, why are you still standing there Wang Yunhe was stunned and immediately said respectfully Yes Yes.

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Weird looking. Jiang Shi looked at Chang Qing'er, kissed her small mouth fiercely, and continued What the husband is thinking in his heart can't be hidden from my wife's discernment Hmph, I knew it when your eyes stared and the flames flew around.

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Li Bai said Ah Shi, don't be anxious Listen to me The thing is like this, One day ago, the mountain peak where Shu Yi's six brothers lived suddenly experienced a powerful energy wave, but after we rushed there, there was no one there We only found this Li Bai said, scooping out a token Leave it to Jiang Shi.

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If compared with Jiang Shi, these so called geniuses are really just idiots Let's go Let's go back That Master Ling Feng is most likely Jiang Shi's other identity Tianhong shook his head, and after finishing speaking, he slowly flew towards the East China Sea.

If they practice for one more day, their strength will double. Growth, once a crisis occurs, Jiang Shi and the others will be the ones to turn the tide Yes Jiang Shi nodded, hugged Shang Qing'er, and left with Shu Yi and the others.

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Ahem Jiang Shi coughed a few times, glared at the fat man, and cursed secretly for being useless, Jiang Shi Shi smiled and said Miss Jing'er, please don't blame me.

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Wow, boss, let's go What are you waiting for Yun Sheng shouted excitedly. As soon as he finished speaking, he was about to fly over, but was dragged back by Jiang Shi Don't act rashly What if it's a trap Jiang Shi reminded, Yunsheng, don't be blinded by the fairy weapon Hey, I got it, boss Yun Sheng scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

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Naughty Shark, with this level of attack, you still want to break my vagin* Just go to hell When Yun Sheng saw that it was such a big little guy, he slapped him Huh Yun Sheng was stunned, he missed the target At this time, the stubborn shark in front of him appeared strangely on his left, grinning and sneering.

Jiang Shi asked Where is the unmanned galaxy Tantai Jing put away the communication spirit bead, and there was a hint of worry on her beautiful face.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.