The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

THI INDIANAPOLIS NIWS 1 -m- THE INDIANAPOLIS NIWS Ptji 50 ON INSURANCE Linkletter Good Cancer Plan 'J! Gives Peace Of Mind Lotteries Call For Tax Know-How kni "bit over there, Miss raye. Complaining about your work is difficult while you're this close." Selected N.Y. Stocks By ROBERT CORYA. Business Editor So Massachusetts Lottery winner Thomas G. Hall is going to quit his job at age 25.

Winning $1 million $50,000 a year for 20 years may appear to be the easy road to riches. But watch out. He and the others that are sure to follow and more states are adopting lotteries or considering them are advised not to act hastily. And then, too, you could always have dental work done or contribute to charity in time to take deductions this year. Now, with all these pitfalls considered, wouldn't you take your chances on being able to handle such an crisis? There's that matter of tax es.

Nevertheless, a lottery winner or a person dreaming of winning would probably fall back on that old saving: "Given a choice of being rich or poor and having the problems of both, I'll takemy chances on being rich." Or something like that. Taxes that's what the lottery winner has to reckon with, and while some ways are available to ease the bite, the tax collector is certain to get more far more than his "fair" share. He's just as lucky as you, the lottery winner. More than likely the state-operated stores where lottery tickets can be bought in New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and other states, do not tell you the pitfalls that come to a winner in the form of taxes. At least one state Massachusetts has a panel of certified public accounts, lawyers and bankers to offer guidance to winners, a big clue right there to be wary.

Accounts of past winners falling into hard times because of little or no planning are familiar stories. Yet as more states consider lotteries to supplement operating revenues, including Colorado, Maryland, Rhode Island, Michigan, Washington and Oregon to name a few, assistance will become more necessary. At the start of this year, at least 34 states allowed one or more kinds of gambling, bingo among them. The legal, state-run lotteries are expected to eventually siphon off By MICHAEL SALDINO Michael 0. Saldino, director of tha complaint diiition of the Indiana Dopartmtnt at Intur-nca, amwert torn questions that hart coma to hit ollice.

Q. I have been solicited to buy a cancer plan. I am confused by cautionary articles 011 avoiding certain types of health insurance. Are these plans serving the public's needs? A. A good liberal cancer plan will augment regular insurance.

A cancer plan will give peace of mind. One has to only look around to see 1 a i es and friends who have been saddled with huge debts incurred for cancer operations and treatment. Cancer, as manifested by its many insidious forms, spares neither the young nor old, men nor women. Earthquake and flood da ag are termed catastrophe losses. We have Federal plans to help compensate victims of such damage.

In my opinion, statistically, the odds are far greater against an individual being afflicted by cancer. Accordingly, cancer coverage merits serious consideration. Q. My home is in an area of older residences. A fire damaged the house extensively.

My problem is that the building code requires new type wiring in all the house before a permit can be issued to rebuild. The extra $1,500 will not be paid by the fire insurance company. Please check this out. A. This is a common exclusion.

Additional costs due to building code restrictions since your home was built are your responsibility. I have heard of cases where the building could not be rebuilt due to zoning changes. Under the grandfather clause, the existing buildings were not bothered until one had to be rebuilt. Q. What is contributory negligence? I have been refused Payment after an accident.

The other fellow ran a stop sign! A. Even if the other fellow was 90 per cent wrong, your 10 per cent bars recovery in Indiana. You were going 5 miles per hour too fast and admitted it to the police officer. your excessive speed contributed to the accident even though he ran the stop sign. You must be free of negligence.

Q. My son has a mini-bike. He has been warned not to ride it on the streets. It is not licensed for road use. He violated my instructions and hit a child while driving on a side street.

Will my auto insurance protect me? Can I ask protection under my homeowners policy? A. Neither plan will help you pay the medical claims of the injured child that the special coverage under your homeowners and should have paid an extra premium for this contingency. Q. I received word my life insurance premium is to be Salts loos 2 a.m. Chg.

A Sales 100s F-G Abbott Lab ACF Ind Acme Clev Addressog Admiral Cp Air Prod Airco Inc Alberto Cul Alcjn Alu Allegh Cp Allegh Lud Allied Chem Allied Mills Allied Sirs Allis Clulrrt Alcoa AMBAC Ind Amer Hess Am Airlin Am Brands Am Bdcstg Amer Can Am Cry Sug Am cyan AmEl Pw Am Hoist Am Hospit Am Motors Am Met CIK 75 'a 444 Wt Ta 21 t-204 -1811 it i 2I' 12 304 "a 19' 'a 34' 4 13-4 53' 16 54' Vt 478 Va 464 Va 72V Va 29a 31 358 27'a Va 12 Va 46VJ S'j 'a 294 Wi Vj 3oie Va 20! a- 13'4 Vj. 7't 421 13V. 65'i 'A 74 Va 31 ij '-8 20U Va 33 Vj S3' 18'-i 108 4P4- '4 Vj 3'4 22' e- 'a 38'j 47'a Va 24 53 '4 15a Va 12V2 Va Fabergi Inc Fairch Cam Far weslFn Flnl Feder Firestone Fst Chart Flintkote FlaPowLt FlaPwL wl Fly Tloer FMC Corp FocteConB Ford Mot For McKess Fost Wheel Foxboro Freept Min Fruehf Corp GAC Corp uAr Corp Gamp Skog Gen A Tran Gen Develp Gn Dynam Gen Elec Gen Focd Gen Vills Gen Meters GenPubUt Gen Tire Genesco Inc Gerber Pd Am Met CI pfd 1 Am NatGas 43 Am Smelt 108 Am Stand 192 Am wt 118 Am 1209 AmWat Wks 4 Getty Oil Gillette Co Glen Alden AMF Inc AMP Inc Ampex Cp Amstar Lp Anaconda Anch Hock Ander Clayt Apache Cp Apeco Corp Arch Dan Arctic Ent ArlansD St Armco Stl Arms! Ck Arvin Ind Ashland Oil Assd DGds Avco Corp Avnet Inc Goodrich oodyear Gould Inc Grace Co Grant WT GtAtlPac GtNonron tWnFinl Green Giant Greyhound Grummn Cp Gulf WobOh Gulf Oil Gulf Wnlnd HI Halliburtn Hanes Corp Hanna Mng Here Inc Avon Prod 1161- Vt Heublcin B-C Hiltcn Hote Hobart Mfq ho*rnr Wal Holiday Inn Barber Oil BauschL Beat Food Beckman Bell Howell Bemis Co Bendix CP Benefl Cp Benguet Berkey Pho Beth Steel Big 3 Ind Bobbie Brks Boeing Boise Cased Book Mnth Borden Bora, Warn Borman Braniff Air Brigss Strat Brunswk Budd Co Burl Ind Burl North Burndy Burroughs Camp Soup Cdn Pacif Carrier Cp Cater Tree Ceco Corp Celanese Cent Swest Cent Soya Central Soya Cerro Corp 49 42Vi 301 61 Hi 59 45J4 Va 16 581 Vt 35 66b 'a 5 20' Va 79 43'4 V4 208 45 'a 191 6 172 21 Vt 960 30a Homestke Honeywell Houdaill Ind House Fin Houston LP Howrd John Howmet Cp IllCentlnd III Power tmpCpAm Inland Stl Inspirat Ccp 6 51 Vj 33 11' 8 Va 96 22i 658 146 Va 2 30 '4 92 2E8 Va 50 358 4 7 215 1B8 4b 24 52'? Vj 100 51 ''8-1 61 168 Vt 18 34 a 8 46l4 105 338 Vj 57 1S5'21'j 40 284 V2 20 158 'a 84 48's v8 124 Va 2 32 32 59 51 414 "4 20 28a 'A 17 28'8 Vj 155 14V4 130 6OV4 Vt IBM Indiana Gas Indpls Intl Hsrv Int Multi'd Int Nickel Int Pno4r IntTelTel mtrst Pw Itek Ccrp 'wel Cos J-hns Many Jones Lau Jostens Kaisr Alum Kellogg Kennecntt KerrMcG Kimb Kopoers Co Kraftco Co Kresge SS Kroger Co L- Cirtnteed Champ Sp PI 17 48 1 Chase Manh 106 574 Ches Ohio 36 57 Vj '4 ChockFON Chris Craft Chrysler CIT Financl Cities Svc Clark Oil Clev Cliff Cluett Pea Coca Cola Colg Palm Collins Aik Collins Rad Coll Indus! CBS Colum Gas Colum Pict Coml Solv Comw Edis Comwlth Oil Comsat Con Edis Con Foods ConFrght ConNatGs Consu Pow Cont Can ContCopp Cont Mtge Cont Oil Cont Data Corng Glass Cowles Com CPC Intl Crane Co Credithrift Crowell Coll 20 CPA 38 371 31'e 100 481 Vi 90 36 '8 Lamm Sess Lane Brynt Lear SieoK Leasco Data LibbvO Frd LibbMcNL Linq Mvrs 18 148 Vl 6 61 'a 53 18'b Va Lilly, Eli 57 1324- 318 68 Vt 15 V4 8 16'j Va 24 21 Va Lincoln Natl Litton Ind Lockhd Aire Loews Corp Londntown LoneSta Ind 141 544 Vt 35 29's 47 114 V4 60 23 LoneS Gas Longlsl Llg LTV Corp Lykes Yngs 76 34 Vi 171 1CP4 Vt 57 67Vb Vi 139 248 Ve Macy RH Mannavox Mallory Manpower Mapco Inc Marcor Inc Marine Mid Marsh Field Martin Maytag McDonald McDona wi McDonnD McGraw Ed 25 39 Vi 48 23'a 22 2Ca Va 30 281 V'b 156 10 6'2 V4 72 131 Va 185 27V2 906 734 2 14 249 Vi 20 10V4 Vt 29 32 Vb 12 23 Vt McGrw Hi McLean Truck 1 27V4 Vi MEI Corp 128 lu '4 72 30 Vt MerckCo Meredit hCp Mesabl Tr MGM MidSouUt MinnMM MinnMM wi Minn PwLt MobilOil Monsanto MontDak Ut Mont Pow Motorola MSL Ind Crown Zell Cummins Eng 3 668 Vb Curtiss Wrt -388 3B4-rla D-E Part Ind Oaytn Hud Deere Co Dennis Mfa 11 561 Va 79 31 217 64' a 46 34'a Vi Diam Int 148 26 Vi Diamond Intl 140 36 Diebold 10 41 Disney Dist Seaq Dome Mine Dow Chem Dressr ind duPont Duosne Lt EaslnAirL East Kodak E3S.G Inc ElPeso NG Emerson El EMI Ltd Eslerline 89 185 Vi 8 37 14 Munsingw 19 753 4 NO 52 914 61 38V4 Nabisco Nat Airlines Nat Can NatCashP. Nat Distill Mat Gypsm Natl Homes Nat Starch Nat Steel Nat Tea 78 171 4 41 23'4 V4 361 30'b 31 168 12434 Vt 24 22 J4 84 18 108 8534 Vt 7t 23 Vi 239 69 13 67 60 175 122 96 24 114 72 275 111 137 165 117 271 329 556 599 279 71 530 297 105 336 118 868 814 288 661 277 230 161 145 131 437 240 652 254 191 170 59 333 2072 An Issue In Dispute TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AD A hearing July 5 will determine whether the state of Florida should revoke the license of an insurance firm using broadcasting personality Art Linkletter in its advertisem*nts.

Florida Insurance Commissioner Tom O'Malley said National Home Life Assurance Co. used "deceptive" advertising and that Linkletter was not a licensed business solicitor. "Mr. Linkletter is not on file in the Florida Department of Insurance as a licensed agent authorized to solicit insurance in this state," he said. In addition, O'Malley said, "Linkletter exceeded the scope of a professional announcer by allegedly endorsing and assuring the citizens of Florida that he personally recommends specific plans of insurance." The company, which has headquarters at St.

Louis, "has been, or is, engaged in unfair methods competition and trade practices that violate provisions of the Florida in-s a code," O'Malley charged. 1st Fall Creek Units Of DeBoer Are Opening Jack P. DeBoer Associates, Wichita-based apartment developer, today said it will have grand opening ceremonies tomorrow at its Phase 1 Fall Creek project, 7202 Fall Creek Road. Fall Creek is the second apartment complex in Indianapolis developed by DeBoer Associates. The other is Nottingham Village, 9300 E.

21st. The firm currently has projects under way in 25 states. Fall Creek will have 274 units, including 36 one-bedroom units, 96 two-bedroom units, and 22 tri-level single-bedroom studio apartments. In all, it will have 23 buildings on 47 acres. 10 Millionth Impala Delivered DETROIT (AP)-The 10 millionth Chevrolet Impala sold was delivered to a customer somewhere in the United States today, Chevrolet Division of General Motors Corp.

says. Production of Impalas began in 1958. The model became Chevy's full-sized "bread-and-butter" car when division models were realigned in 1960. The peak year for the Impala was 1965, when sales topped one million. A 1958 Impala V-8 two-door hardtop cost $2,456.

A similar 1972 model costs $3,867, although some equipment, such as power steering and brakes and automatic transmission, which were optional extras in 1958, have since been made standard. UAL Asks Hike For Air Freight CHICAGO (AP) United Air Lines has asked the Civil Aeronautics Board to approve a 5 per cent across-the-board increase in air freight rates. United said the increases would not apply, however, to the small package tariff, accessorial tariff charges or intrastate freight. The new rates, if approved, would go into effect July 24. Chesebrough-Pond's Acquiring 'Crayola' NEW YORK (AP) An agreement in principle for the acquisition of Binney Smith by Chesebrough-Pond's was announced, subject to the approval of directors of both companies, and of Binney Smith stockholders.

Binney Smith was described as the nation's leading producer of chalk and wax crayons, and abo a major supplier of other art materials. Its trade names include "Crayola" and "Liquitex." Chesebrough-Pond's is a diversified manufacturer of pro-prictary, toiletry, cosmetic, health care and specialty food products. Midday Grain Range By Thomson McKlnitot) if Oltndtll Economist Critical Of McGovern's Views Fhmim Jj4.i, Ut. Hit mm 2 p.m. Ctig Sales 100s 2 p.m.

Chg. New Eng El 24a NY Hond 14' Va 154 1 14t 'a 75t 56'-, 'b 24t Vt 44 Va 251 't 51' t- 42' 4 35' 4 21 '4 17'8 18 88 2 3 27 24 25 22 15 80 68 23 28 72 2 40 44 2 14 8 36 Va 10a 234a Va 24a 'a 25'4- 4 31 Vi 66a 33a Vt 39'4 'j 27 a 138 '4 668 NiagM Pow NL Ind Nortk west Norris Ind Nor Ind NoNatGas NorStaPw Nwst Alrl Nwt Bancp NwstStlW Ohio Edison Olin Corp Owens III 48't 23a 8 214 8 -PQ 39 214 v. 40 Pac GasEI 190 28' 4 Pac Lghtg 12 24'. 't Pac PowLt 77 224 104 104 16'B V. 32'a- '-4 Vt 10 80' Vt 244 Vt 21.

851 a 494 It 40'a 37. Vi 22'-a v. 29V1 50Vj Vt 4934 4 22't1 36' 1 4 Painweb JC 1 Paint, Weber 1 22'4 8 37'8 Vb Pan Am 45-V4 334 V4 Park Hann Penn Cent Va 69' 4 Vi Penn Dix Penney JC 25'b-49't Penna PwLt Penni Unit PepsiCo Pet Inc 758 V4 201 Vt 291- Vt Pfizer 264 Vt Phelps Dod 228 Va 33t a 76- Vi Phila Elec Phillips Pet Pickwck Int 44'a la Pillsbury 12 Pitney Bow 25Vj- 30 V. 37' 263'4 388- 19B 10' Pittston Co Polaroid 430 138 Vj 1 Vt PPG Ind Proct Gamb Pub Svc Col Pub Ser Ind Pullman 287 47 52 9834 ''4 19V, 103 25 4j9 40V8 64 26 Quaker Oat 40 Vi 23' 4 I8I4 13', 1 24' 8 41t- RS Ralston Pur Ranco Inc Raytheon RCA viReadq Co Republic Stl Revlon Reynold Ind Reynold Mil Rich Merr Rohm Haas Rohr Ind RoyCr Cola Royal Dut Safeway Sir 47 41 la 12 80 327 26'4 38Va a 368 '-4 1 28 43 22 132 37 23'a Va 72', 73'e a 184 71a i 46 22 12 66 8 2 63 71 65 12 30 78 34 80 24 12 63 30 84 7 93' 4- 188 8 63Vi 12 Vt 36 150 32 16h Vi 158 38 Vi 52 39'4 42Vj 68 378- 14 39', Va 28 Saxon Ind 310 17 14'-'B St Joe Min StLouSanF StRegis Pap Schrnq Plqh SCM Corp Scott Paper Sbd Wld Air Searle GD 30' 13'B 14 2 45' Vt 53 33 424 443'4 103 112'J Vi 63 ma 152 14' 93 15Vj 25 91 Vj 1 117 1168 Vt 56'i V4 15'n 348 30Vs Vb 14 358 Sears Roeb Sea World Air 70 153H 45', Shell Oil 45V4 33'j Vj 9034 Vt 48 288 24B 20'4 "8 45 Vt 97'-, 3i, 43 '4 40 12'4 3, 38'4 i 52'8 '-4 5914 Vt 66'j l'a 78. 19 Vt 38a 'a 383V- '4 I8'4 'a 36e Va 48'? V4 Va Vt 3334 Simmons Sinoer Co Skelly Oil SooLine SoulhCal Ed Southern Co Sou Vac Southern Ry Soerry Hul Sperry Rnd SDraoue El 30 Vb 2534 32H 1, 3334 V.

58'i 1 653-411, Square 0 17 5) 56 168 14 32'i 18 Std Brands StdOil Cal StdOil Ind StdOil NJ StdOil Ohio 12 2S's Stanray Stauff Chem Stew War 63 52'al'B 37 32 V2 Va 7 34', 14 61 43 Vt StokeVan Stone Web Stude Worth Sunsh Mng Suoer Valu Swift Co 150 3 R5 25' a- Vt Sybron Corn 36 Vj T-U 2 8 42 47 64 5 55 6 110 26 3 12 79 73 494 61 143 19. 29' 4 Tektronix Teledyne Telex Corp Tenneco Tesoro Pet Texaco Inc TexGlf Inc Texas Inst Textron Thiokol 34 123 1029 75 91 643 90 5534 24 IO'4I 24 45V4 33' a 17'a 11 14 20 43 -6' 8 648 868 Ve 70 163 1 18 142 3334 Vi 12 Vt Vt 64 7 1 11 13 59 197 255 40 69 36 99 24 376 104 29 1047 55 27 5 33 1734- Va 53 14V8 Vb 73 Vt 16 42V4 1 58Vb 20 ve 2934 V. 35'? 12'a 51V, Va 25. 50 14 2934 v. 5534 Va 17'i 391j 14''8 18 9Vj 24'a 14 27''a Vj 5934 14 29V4 30'4 VB 23i 88'j Time Inc 1331 Toots Roll Trane Co Trans Lin Trans Union TransW Air Tdansam Tri Cont TRW Inc Twent Cent Inc UMC Ind Un Carbide UnOil Cal UnPac Corp Uniroyal Unit Aircft 24 Vb 2734 21 Va 138 1038 Vb 42'4 Vj 394 "4 66 Vt 5 6 22 76 73 9 50 237 388 115 64 32'4- Va 468 Vt 27'b Va 318 Vt 374 Vt 23 8 41 Vj Unit Brands United Corp Unit MM US Gyosm U.S.

Life Hd US Smelt US Steel UnivOil Pd Upjohn Co U5VJ-134 57'8-l Vi 44 Vt 242 13 5 59 152 42'i-188 503 15 298- V4 205 3'8 Ve 74 2 38 21 7214-1 23V, 9V, 91 21 UbM stp 18 Vb V-W 18', Va 387 21 Varian Asso Walgreen Wallace-Muray Warn Lam Wesco Finl Wstn AirLin Wstn Union Weyerhsr Westqh El Whirlpool Whirlpol wl White Motor Whittakr Williams Co Winnebaqo Winneb wl Wolver WW Woolworth 16 Vi 211 14 21 Vt 91. 141 42VJ 14 66'i1i 49Vj 'a 69 1 154 '-a 37 15 228 63 2 61 213 774 Vt 20 5534 Vi 55'i Vb 31 Vt 28 Vt 113'i2'8 52'a 20 20 Va 15 11534 Vi 1 3l4- Vi 39 22 '4 98 14 49 'j 90 V4 4 45 8'e Vj 18 59 96 48 '4 92 138 Ve 146 33J4 148 17V4 88 17', Vt 36'i Vt Wrigley 2 143' Vt X-Y-Z 71 17 55 47 a Xerox Co Zayre Corp Zenith 277 153'42'i 64 33r 231 4534 74 43 a 11 12'B Sales lOOs 2 OKT Tnrn 11 P.m. Chg. 34 '8 34 3'8 10 '4 17Va 6 61 1 ll'j 8'4 vt 634 V4 61 10 '4 161 22Vj 9IV, 224 1', 35'j Vb 35 14 20 '4 18 34 Va 211 7'a 11V, 9'a Vt 2'4 5'a- Va IIV4 ClTttlintt ni A Orark Airlines 63 Permanftr Phnniv CH Ponderosa Puritan Fsh Rath Pack Reserve OG Resortlntl A Royal Americn 1 scurry Rain Statham Ins Syntex Technlcol Trltnrnm 9 4 72 148 24 580 5 24 4 10 8 9 1 10 4 Tokheim Tonka Corp UnBrand wt US Filter Vlewlex Vlkoa Inc VLN Corp Westates Wilshire Yales Ind More For Ammo ROCHESTER, N.Y, (UPI)-Eastman Kodak Co. has been awarded a $19.2 million addition to an Army contract for operation of the Holston ammunition plant at Kingsport, Tenn.

$168 Million Order NEW YORK (UPI)-Martin Marietta Corp. has received a $168.4 million Army contract for work on the Sprint and Minuleman missile SCRAP STEEL PRICES NCW YORK, June 1 (API-Pittsburgh scrap iltel. No. htayy, II quoted by Iran Ait tt 114 ta 117 Ion. Saldino Editor's Note: This column is for general information only.

For specific insurance guidance you should consult your own insurance agent. Mr. Saldino will attempt to answer questions of a general nature which are forwarded to him at The Indianapolis News, 307 N. Pennsylvania 46206 mini-bike struck. You needed reduced because I am now age 60.

I thought it would be age 65 before this happened. Please check this out for me. A. Companies do vary. Your policy states that accidental death benefit and premium waiver are no longer effective after age 60.

Check your two provisions in your policy and you will find this is correct. office space NORTHBROOK SHOPPING CENTER 86l(i Ditch call 291 -8S50 LYNN COTTERMAN JVC OltfHJMIVBOlMV, Wooded Homesites lr Golf Course1500 Acre Lake' Country Club The Shorewood Corporation Noblesville 773-5434 With Our $100 Collateral Notes Funds left 5 ytart increait 48. Your Attorney's Inquiry Invltad. Solicitation of Ihota nolot -aro by protpoctut e)nlys For Details Contact! lolonial Jliscotmfc CORPOUTION 131 N. Delaware 636-4545 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 limited la retidentt of Indiaa, Office-Warehouse Service Facilities For Lease Near The Airport Finish to Suit 4,500 SQ.

FT. 5,000 SQ. FT. 9,000 SQ. FT.

23,000 SQ. FT, PARK FLETCHER FOR DETAILS CALL BRUCE HARTSHORNE 244-9563 by appointment. Phone 923 6315 VY rat (JCEIsiy HRIFTY Who's News P. R. Mallory Co.

has promoted ROBERT H. ELLIS to director of personnel and labor relations. He joined Mallory in 1966 and is a member of the Indiana Personnel Association and the American Society for Personnel Administrators. Robert H. Ellis The Indiana Association of Credit Management has elected ROBERT E.

NEVIL president. He is credit manager at Stark, Wetzel Foods formerly Stark, Wetzel Co. Other officers include STEPHEN RECHTORIS, treasurer of Hugh J. Baker first vice-president; FRANK A. SCHMIDT, credit manager of Stokely-Van Camp, second vice-president; and HAROLD L.

WOOTEN, vice-president of Central Supply treasurer. Nevil Van Fossan ROBERT V. VAN FOSSAN, president of The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Newark, N.J., will visit the company's Thomas J. Bash Agency in Indianapolis tomorrow, 2421 Wil-lowbrook Pkwy. J.

RICHARD KIEFER of Indiana National Bank has won the American Institute of Banking's national public speaking contest with a talk called "The Banker In His Social Environment" in which Kiefer said that while "buck passing" in the form of loans is a function of banks, "the time has come for banks to stop 'passing the buck' when it comes to contributing to social welfare." He was honored in San Francisco. Mocks Holding Narrow Range NEW YORK (AP) Stock prices drifted narrowly back and forth in slow trading today. Analysts said investors were waiting to hear President Nixon's address on his East European visit. Advances held a small lead over declines on the New York Stock Exchange. Analysts said most investors seemed to be favorably anticipating the President's address.

They noted it was a favorable sign that the profit taking which sparked yesterday's sell-off had dissipated and added that increasing signs of a strong economic recovery were continuing to buoy the market. Rubbers and electronics were lower. All other stock categories were mixed. STOCK AVERACES End of 4th Hour Dow-Jones: 30 Industrials 961.02 0.30 20 Transport 257.31 0.40 15 Utilities 107.84 65 Stocks 324.20 New York Stock Exchange index was up 10 cents a share at $60.89. Volume 11,180,000 shares vs.

11,500,000 yesterday. American Stock Exchange index was up .06 to 27.81. Check your I license. It may expire this month. amounts of illegal wag- heavy ering.

One of the CPAs assisting winners in Massachusetts says the biggest shock to winners is learning the amount of taxes the IRS collects. "Conse-ouently, there is the jubilation oi holding a check for $50,000 and the chagrin of knowing that a good hunk of it is going to be taken away." Income averaging is often recommended. This is the lumping of income in the current year with that of the last four, and dividing by five. Such averaging raises the taxes for prior years, but the reduction it brings in this year's tax can mean a net saving for lottery winners of $5,000 to $6,000 based on the payoff. As to quitting work, the advice is to go easy, not to make any hasty decision.

Sock the money into a savings account and ignore the flood of advice that will come, solicited or not. Investing the money can be done as well a month or year from the time it is won as immediately. While it might sound good to consider investing in tax-free municipal bonds, which would avoid taxes on the interest earned, taxes on the lottery winnings would still be collected. Winners could also consider paying state income taxes before the end of the year so they could be taken on Federal returns as a deductible expense in the year of high income. ses by some securities houses that suggest corporate earnings will grow by a specific percentage in 1973.

"All of them are conjecture and speculation," he says. The main reasons for Rinfret's view are summarized in what he concedes is a greatly abbreviated analysis of the McGovern platform, which he says calls for: An increase in corporate taxes that would, in effect, return the tax rate to the 1960 level and draw $18 billion from corporate treasuries. An increase in personal taxes for the "rich," which Rinfret interprets to mean anyone earning more than $12,000 a year. An increase in government spending. By closing "loopholes" and by raising taxes on the "rich" and on corporations, Federal receipts would be increased by $30 billion, to be used for social programs and public investment.

Germany Moves To Save Coal Mining In Ruhr BONN (AP) Agreement was reached in principle among the West German government, the North Rhine, Westphalia State and individual private shareholders of Ruhrkohle AG on a financial package to save the coal production in the Ruhr. The public support will require an aid program of $310 million between now and 1975. Two-thirds of the cost will be borne by the Bonn government and one-third by the Westphalia State government in Dusseldorf. The agreement will help solve West Germany's perennial coal problem, secure thousands of jobs in the Ruhr and prevent nationalization of the country's coal pits. The package deal requires approval by a group of West German commercial banks and acceptance of the 1973 German.

budget in parliament. CHICACO CASH CRAIN CHICAGO, June 1 (ftP)-WtiMt Ne. 1 hard red, SI.SIVi; No. 2 loft red, SI. Corn Na, 2 "Mow.

1 Oati Ne. 2 extra heavy white, 1VMC. Soypeens No. 1 yellow, $1474. FOR LEASE CORNER LOCATION 363 NORTH ILLINOIS STREET 5000 SQ.

FT. ON FIRST FLOOR (Plus Full Basem*nt! 10,000 SQ. FT. ON 2ND and 3RD FLOORS' IB HOKANSON and BRENNAN, Inc. AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE Sales Sales 100s 2 Allegheny An 39 P.m.

Chg. 238 By JOHN CUNNIFF NEW YORK (AP)-The possibility that Sen. George Mc-Govern will be the Democratic presidential candidate is being considered much more seriously in Republican business circles. And while the difference between being an aspirant for the presidency and being the president is a huge one, concern or perhaps even fear seems to be showing. "This is one time when the victor will make a difference," says Dr.

Pierre Rinfret, a Republican, sometime adviser to asident Nixon and full-time i jonomic analyst and consultant for a list of blue chip corporations. McGovern's election, says Rinfret in a confidential report to his clients, could create a recession. "The senator is talking about redoing and restructuring society. Such far-reaching changes as the senator is suggesting could create enough uncertainty and cutbacks in capital spending to lead to either economic stagnation or a recession." The South Dakotan's election, says Rinfret, "would create hesitancy, fear and uncertainty." The parallel, he stated, "would be the economic inaction among businessmen which followed the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt." Rinfret prefaces his analysis with the comment that "we want to make it quite clear that we neither espouse, nor denounce" the McGovern candidacy.

But he states "we are convinced that the election could materially change the short-term outlook for business in 1973." In fact, Rinfret states it is the McGovern candidacy that makes him skeptical of analy LOCAL GRAIN PRICES Mir Jl Nominal prictt paid It productri train in tin Intianaaalu ana at by mills an tltvattn ptr buihal. WHEAT New Na. 1 red, tl.1l le 11.29. CORN Na. 1 yallaw, tl.ot to (1.08.

0TS-Ntr Na. 2 whita, 5 to 5c. SOYBSANS No. 1 raliaw, $3.36 tl $3.12. ECC BUYINC PRICES Prices paid far engs Wednesday in the Central Indiana area, picked up at the farm and cases returned, on the consumer grade.

Prem nm trices art eften paid for guality ant auantily. Prlcei are ptr dnren. A Larae 0 17c A Medium 13c ta 19c A Small fc ta ISc 100s 2 p.m. Chg. Gt Bas Pel 1 2'4 Herff Jones 6 21 Va Husky Oil 14 16'4 Hydmetal 4 15V Imper Oil 189 361 v4 Instrum Sys 28 5 Vb ITI Corp 5 l'8 '8 Jamesway 1 22'4 Jetronic Ind 15 6'4 Kaiser Ind 45 8 Kin Ark Cp 7 l'a Kingsford 124 14 14 Lalay Radio 6 33V4 Vt LaMaur In 17 1534 Lee Enterpr 2 27Vb V4 LoewsTh wt 30 26', Vb LTV Co wt 130 6'4 Marshall In 15 101 Vb McCror wt 2 8 Medenco In 16 19V4 14 Mich Sugar 3 va Midw Flnl 8 24Vb- Va Milgo Elect 31 411 1 Newldrij 2 2 Vb NewPk Min 5 4 No Cdn Oils 42 5 5-16 exclusivE fRANChiSE oppoRTUNrry BUSINESSMAN WANTED WHO SEEKS HIGH YEARLY INCOME IN OWN BUSINESS IN INDIANAPOLIS (oihir areas available) High annual potential in prestige rent a car business Coast to coast officci in over 250 locations provide odvarm reservations.

Ready 'made inallonwide market of expcnr account Executive credit card program. "nici Povwfut national advertising in Time, NownwRck, U.S. News WalT Street Journal, Duciness and other nvr.s media. Complete i training program at "Thrifty Headquarters and on location. No previous experience nocosnary.

geared to your local car rental Tlhrltty is first In "near airport" car rentals. Got In on tho ground Act now! Wpj'II to happy to tell you the fads about tha market our company the profit plan and It complote well-rounded program that will provide you with an oxcepdonally high annual incomo. Truly a growth company in a growth induMry tt Allamil 3 Amer Fletcher 12 834 27 '4 25'8 Va Am Pttrof AO Indust Ark LaGas Asamera Banlste Ctl Barne Ena Bio-Dynamics Brascan Ltd Buelher Buttes Gas Campb Chib Certron CIC Corp Cinerama Creole Pet Dillard Dpt Dliilyn Cp Dynalect Cp Eleclrosp Eisex Ch Fed Resrcs Frontier Air Gen Plywd Giant Yell 2'8 Va 221 14 18 Vt 27 14 1 II Vb 17'a Vt 22 Vt 20'l Vb 6'4- Vt 4 2 1 3 18 Vi 331 Va 87t 7 '4 1234 '4 3'a 2'b- Vt I2V1 Vt 3 '4 9 1-16 Ve Port Of Rotterdam Volume Twice N.Y.'s TOKYO (AP)-Mayor Wil-lem Thomassen of Rotterdam said today his port has become one of the world's largest and most important gateways, dealing with 230 million tons of cargoes last year or more than double the volume handled by the Port of New York. Addressing a meeting of Japanese businessmen at the World Trade Center in Tokyo, Thomassen also said Hotter-dam handled 844,000 tons of chip cargoes traded between Japan and the Netherlands in 1971. "Decimals" Art Ithi Wheat Prt.

Ooen Hlajk Lew Midday Close IStl Ijl ISO isi; 150.7 151.3 152.5 152 7 152. 152.1 15 Corp 127 177 126.4 126.6 lit i 13J.1 175.1 1J4.4 174 7 14 129,4 129.4 i29 1397.3 12il Oati 68 1 1 (7 6 tl 67. 471 67.3 it! et.4 e7.l Soybeans Ml 152 5 350 4 352 2 150 2 3IM 351 4 149 1 lit 349 JIM fti.j jjj Jitf 3ij 322.4 32t 321.1 322 4 322.) July Snot, pec. Mar. Now interviewing Cecil R.

Dovii Franchise Director RENT-A-CAR America'! Fastest Growing Car Rental System July Am. Seat. Nov..

The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.