Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Richa 36 Comments

Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (1)

I made a bread with leftover split pea stew(sambhar buns)long long ago and when I saw One Degree Oragnic’s lentil grain bread at Hannah’s, I thought I should re-do lentils in yeast bread.:)

This Lentil Wheat bread has quick cooking red/pink/orange lentils and wheat flour. The bread is hearty, sturdy and filling and at the same time soft and moist because of the cooked lentils. All the more nutrients from the lentils, the extra fibre and protein makes this one hearty loaf and also a great nutty earthy flavor! Any thick puree like fruit or mashed things like potato or lentils keeps the bread moist and easy to eat by itself.

I used the bread to make a bunch of sandwiches and plain or stuffedsavory french toastsfor breakfast.

Hubbs keeps expecting new creations everyday. I mean really, if I make similar Indian stews/Dal for 3 continuous days, he will ask me if something is wrong and if I am doing alright. 🙂
So the other day I had leftover Rajma(Kidney Bean stew) and instead of serving them with the usual Roti flatbread and side Dry veggie Subzi, I fixed up these messy sandwiches for us. All bean stews are gluten-free.

This sandwich below has dark redKidney Bean curry(Rajma), greens, red onion, pickled Jalapeno, Daiya Pepperjack. You dont need cheese in it. There is a load of flavor going on in the bean stew and the bread:) and quite a filling meal.

Sandwiches on Black and white backgrounds.

And another sandwich a few days later with theBlack eyed Pea and Lentil Stew with Sriracha Tadka.
You can use any thick bean/lentil stew.I know, pickled Jalapenos and Sriracha are the in thing this month at my house:).

Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (3)

How do you like your Sandwich bread!

More Yeast breads, plain sandwich breads, fruit, multigrain, savory and more here.
A few Glutenfree options here.Reminder to self to try a large gf sandwich bread..


Proof the yeast. Add flours, oil, cooked red/pink lentils.

Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (4)

Knead into a smooth dough (6-8 minutes).

Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (5)

Spray water on top. cover with a towel and let rise until doubled.

Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (6)

Knead and shape into a loaf. Spray water on top. Sprinkle Oats or sesame seeds or flour.
Cover with a towel and let rise for 40 minutes.
Bake for 35-40 minutes. Cool completely before slicing.

Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (7)

Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread Loaf

Allergen Information: Free of Dairy, egg, corn, soy, nut. Can be made refined oil free.
Makes a medium 8.5 by 4.5 inch bread pan

1/4 cup dry red/pink/orange lentils
1/2 cup water
or use 1/2 cup cooked red/pink lentils

1/4 cup warm water
2 teaspoons active yeast
1 Tablespoon raw sugar

1 cup bread flour
1 cup wheat flour
1 Tablespoon wheat gluten (optional)
3/4 teaspoon salt
a generous pinch of cumin powder
1/2 teaspoon onion flakes
1 Tablespoon oil (optional)
1/2 cup water

Variations: Use any other well cooked and easily mashed lentils, split peas, beans.
Add herbs, spices, nutritional yeast for a savory herbed loaf.

Wash and drain the lentils. Cook in a covered pan on low-medium heat until tender. 12-15 minutes.
Or use 1/2 cup cooked red/pink lentils.
In a large bowl, add warm water, yeast and sugar. Mix and let sit until frothy. 10 minutes.
In another bowl, mix the flours, gluten, salt and spices.
Add to yeast mixture. Add oil, cooked lentils and water and knead into a soft dough. Knead 6-8 minutes.
Use more flour or water if needed.
Spray water on top of the dough, cover bowl with a towel, and let sit for 1.5-2 hours or until doubled.
Punch the dough down and knead for a minute. Use 1-2 Tablespoons wheat flour to help reduce stickyness.
Shape into a loaf and place in greased or parchment lined bread pan.
Spray water on top. Sprinkle Oats or sesame seeds or wheat flour. Cover with a towel and let rise for 40 minutes.
Bake at pre-heated 375 degrees F for 40-45 minutes until a tap on the top sounds hollow.
Cool completely before slicing.
Use as sandwich bread or make savory french toasts.

Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (8)

This bread is being shared at Ricki’s wellness weekend,Slithgly Indulgent Tuesdays,allergy friendly wednesdays

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Cauliflower Steaks with Mushroom Gravy. Vegan Glutenfree Recipe »

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  1. Susan Weissert

    This bread was terrific! I’d been wondering if I could use lentils in bread, and tried it last night – as soon as it was cool enough, I had two pieces with butter, one of the best breads ever! I only had white flour, so threw in some wheat germ, some dried herbs and skipped the cumin. I will be checking your recipes from now on!


  2. Anna

    I LOVE this bread! My toddler is allergic to eggs, nuts and dairy- he is also a picky eater. I make all his bread from scratch but was looking for a way to pack more protein and nutrition into it. This recipe is the answer. It works beautifully every time, my toddler loves it, and we use any kind of bean – I’ll puree a can of chickpeas (water and all), and measure it out for the liquid portion of the recipe. Thank you so much for helping keep my toddler healthy! He also loves your chickpea flour chocolate chip cookies!


    • Richa

      thats amazing! thanks!


  3. Nina

    That sandwich with the Rajma looks soooo good! I have just soaked kidney beans to make Rajma from your cookbook tonight. I have been planning to do so for more than a week, but family visits and stuff keep getting in the way. Maybe make the sandwich tomorrow with the leftovers 😀 😀

  4. Vivienne

    Made this for lunch as it was wonderful – tasted really good!
    I only had green lentils but the bread still turned out well → I just cooked the lentils for a bit longer


    • Richa



  5. kitblu

    I am anxiously awaiting the next generation of 3D printers that can handle food! What?! It’s not happening? Well, then I guess I will have to make this by hand. *sigh*


    • Richa

      i wish. till then do try this bread made by hand:)


  6. Kristy

    Another great bread recipe from Richa! You need to make a book. Seriously. 🙂


  7. Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes

    Your breads are always so perfect and creative! I would have never thought to add in lentils or pea soup- so smart Richa!!!! I love my bread toasted with some jam or a grilled “cheeze” – your buttery grilled sandwich looks so so amazing!


  8. Anonymous

    Great recipe :). Does it need to be wheat flour or can I just double the bread flour?


    • Richa

      you can use bread flour too.


  9. Glue and Glitter

    This bread recipe looks amazing! I love any chance to sneak more lentils into my food.


  10. Annie

    Hubbs is SPOILED ROTTEN ;-)! As is Kel. I rarely repeat meals, either – but I think Kel would be quite content with some version of beans and rice every single day.


  11. Heather

    I just discovered your blog, Richa, and I suspect I’ll be spending a lot of time here. Everything looks delicious.


  12. Purabi Naha

    This breakfast bread idea sounds like something I must try! Richa, I loved the way you presented this. Very neat blog and awesome recipes, I must say!! 🙂


  13. Jan Lee

    Wow! That sandwich sure looks appetizing. Even if I am not a vegan, I’d try this. Also, I love, love, love your photos! Good job and thanks for posting about this!


    • Richa

      Thank you so much Jan 🙂


  14. Kiran @ KiranTarun.com

    LOVE the combo of wheat + bread flour and the use of lentils for this loaf. Adds so much protein and deliciousness 🙂


  15. Torviewtoronto

    this looks wonderful lovely combination


  16. Joanne T Ferguson

    G’day! What a lovely, healthy combination, TRUE!
    Love the staging of your photos too!
    Cheers! Joanne


  17. jodye @ chocolate and chou fleur

    Yum! I love the idea of adding lentils to a sandwich bread. Such a nice protein and fiber kick, and I’m sure it tastes just divine, too!


    • Richa

      it does taste amazing.. a bit nutty from the lentils


  18. Divya Shivaraman

    that looks amazing and wonderful clicks


  19. Gabby Ouimet

    I love how you sneak legumes into everything Richa, so creative 🙂


    • Richa

      Thanks Gabby:)


  20. Caitlin

    that is just the coolest, lady! i would have never though that lentils could be added to regular bread loaves. i guess it ups the fiber, and that’s always good!


    • Richa

      i should make some lentil gf bread:)


Lentil Wheat Sandwich Bread and Bean Stew Sandwiches. Vegan Recipe - Vegan Richa (2024)


What is a vegan substitute for lentils? ›

Tempeh is another fairly universal replacement. Like tofu, it tends to work with all flavors and cuisines. It's also a great replacement for sturdy lentils and split peas (brown, black, green--anything but red lentils which are soft and mushy) since tempeh can be crumbled into little hard bits like lentils.

Why do vegans eat lentils? ›

Lentils are high in protein and fiber, making them a great ingredient to include in your vegan recipes. Depending on the variety, you'll find other nutrients in there as well, including B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Lentils are also high in antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory.

How do raw vegans eat lentils? ›

Lentils can be consumed as part of a raw food diet thanks to a process known as sprouting, during which the lentils are soaked until tender enough to consume. Given the toughness of this particular legume however, lentils can also be heated to a temperature of 112 without losing their nutritional value – surprise!


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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