Immigration permission/stamps - Immigration Service Delivery (2024)

In This Section

Register your permission
Registration office passport stamping

Stamp categories
Stamp conditions
Stamps related to EU Treaty Rights


If you are coming to Ireland from outside the EU and Switzerland, and wish to stay for more than 90 days, you must apply to Immigration Service Delivery (ISD) for permission.

You will need this permission to work, study, live or join family in Ireland. For information about the various permission types please read below.

Register your permission

Each permission type is illustrated by a stamp number, for example, stamp 1, stamp 2, stamp 3. The type of stamp you receive in your passport and stated on your Irish Resident Permit (IRP) card informs you what you can do and how long you can stay in Ireland. Please note that some permissions may not be entered in your passport. For more information please read below.

Once you have a permission to stay in Ireland you must register it with the Irish immigration authorities, known as Immigration Service Delivery (ISD) or the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB), within 90 days. If you cannot get an appointment within this period do not worry, as we will not cancel your permission or expect you to leave the country while you are waiting to register. However, please note that you must be able to demonstrate that you have sought an appointment within this 90 day period and that you have attempted to register as soon as possible. A person seeking to register beyond a reasonable time may be refused and issued with an intention to deport notification.

ISD registers permissions in Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow, Cork or Limerick while the GNIB is responsible for the rest of the country. When you have successfully registered you will receive an Irish Residence Permit (IRP) card by post at the address you provided to ISD. An IRP card is not an identity card but it is an important document that proves you are residing legally in Ireland. You should always carry it with you and produce it to the authorities if asked.

Registration office passport stamping

If the registration of your permission to stay in Ireland is successful, an Immigration Officer may stamp your passport, depending on the circ*mstances of your registration.

Please note that some permissions are granted without your passport being stamped.

Stamp categories

During your visit to a Registration Office and you will be granted one of the following stamps:

  • Stamp 1

  • Stamp 1H

  • Stamp 1A

  • Stamp 1G

  • Stamp 2 (2A)

  • Stamp 3

  • Stamp 4

  • Stamp 4D.

Please note that for the following permissions different conditions apply:

Stamp 0

Before you can register a Stamp 0 permission at the local immigration office, you must complete the Stamp 0 application form and be granted permission. For more information on applying for a Stamp 0 please click on one of the following links – Dependent elderly relative, Retire in Ireland or Visiting academic.

Stamp 5

Before you can register a Stamp 5 permission at the local immigration office, you must complete the Stamp 5 application form and be granted permission. This application can be sent to

Stamp 5 Section
Unit C – Domestic Residence and Permissions Division
Immigration Service Delivery
Department of Justice
13-14 Burgh Quay
Dublin 2, D02 XK70

For more information on applying for a Stamp 5 please click on the following link – Without condition as to time.

Stamp 6

The holders of this stamp are dual citizens and therefore do not register at the immigration office.

Each stamp indicates your permission to reside in the State, confirming the:

  • Activities you can – and cannot do – in Ireland

  • Time period you are allowed to stay.

For example, permission to study a degree in Ireland (as well as other types of study) is indicated by Stamp 2 or 2A. You must be familiar with your stamp and the conditions that apply to it. If you break these conditions, your permission may not be renewed and you will have to leave the country, or you may be issued with an intention to deport notification.

The time you accumulate on certain stamps may be used to calculate your reckonable residence(subject to conditions) if you apply for citizenship by naturalisation. The conditions attached to each stamp are set out below.

Stamp Conditions

Stamp 0

Stamp 0 indicates permission to stay in Ireland for a temporary period, subject to conditions.

Summary of conditions
You must be of independent means, fully financially self-sufficient. Alternatively, your sponsor in Ireland must be of independent means and can support you fully. You cannot receive any benefits or use publicly funded services, for example be treated at a public hospital. You must have private medical insurance. You must not work or engage in any business, trade or profession unless specified in a letter of permission from Immigration Service Delivery.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 0 if you have permission to:

  • Retire to or live in Ireland as a person of independent means
  • Be a visiting academic at an Irish university or college
  • Live in Ireland as the elderly, dependent relative of an Irish National, or a non-EU/EEA or Swiss citizen.

Stamp 1

Stamp 1 indicates permission to work or operate a business in Ireland, subject to conditions. In order to obtain a stamp 1 permission, you must hold a valid employment permit, or a letter from ISD stating that you can work without an employment permit. This letter will also state if you are allowed to set up a business or be self-employed in the State. Stamp 1 is reckonable as residence when applying for citizenship by naturalisation.

Summary of conditions
You must not start a job or enter employment unless you or your employer has obtained an employment permit for you, or if your letter of permission clearly states you do not require an employment permit.

If you do not have an employment permit you must not engage in any business, trade or profession unless specified in a letter of permission from ISD. If you wish to stay in Ireland past the expiry date of your immigration permission, you must apply to renew your permission and registration before they expire.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 1 if you have permission to:

  • Work here based on an employment permit
  • Operate a business here
  • Work here based on a Working Holiday Authorisation.*

*This permission is not renewable or variable and you must leave the State on the expiry of your working holiday authorisation

Stamp 1H

Stamp 1H indicates permission for doctors who are in receipt of a two year General Employment Permit to work as an NCHD (Non Consultant Hospital Doctor) in any public hospital or health care facility during the two year validity period of their permit.

The Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment (DETE) must be informed by their employer of any change in location or contract before that change occurs. Stamp 1H is reckonable as residence when applying forcitizenship by naturalisation.

Summary of conditions

Doctors will still only have a six month contract with the initial hospital, at the date ofinitial application, which is still to be provided at registration/renewal stage. Doctors are permitted to move to a different hospital at the end of their initial contract, within the HSE group, subject to valid contracts which DETE will be monitoring.

Please note that while these permits will issue as “General Employment Permits”, doctors granted the Multi Site Employment Permit will have similar benefits to Critical Skills Employment Permit holders and therefore the conditions applicable to CSEP’s are also applicable in respect of them and their spouses/family.

Examples when used

You may be givenStamp 1Hif you have permission to:

  • Work here as a doctor who is in receipt of a two year General Employment Permit as an NCHD (Non Consultant Hospital Doctor) in any public hospital or health care facility during the two year validity period of their permit.

Stamp 1A

The revised Immigration Rules for non-EEA Stamp 1A Trainee Accountants of 1st July 2019 have been published. Stamp 1A indicates permission to participate in full time, paid accountancy training (in compliance with the immigration rules or regulated by the IAASA and with a training contract with a company based in Ireland) for a specified period, subject to conditions.

Summary of conditions
You must not engage in any other business, trade or profession unless specified in a letter of permission from ISD. This permission is a time bound permission, and you must complete your accountancy course within 4 years.

If you wish to stay in Ireland past the expiry date of your immigration permission, you must apply to renew your permission and registration before they expire, or apply for an alternative permission, such as an employment permit.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 1A if you have permission to:

  • Study accountancy as a trainee & be employed as a trainee accountant.

Stamp 1G

1. Graduate Student who currently holds a Stamp 2
Stamp 1G indicates you have finished your studies in Ireland and have permission to look for employment here under the Third Level Graduate Programme, subject to conditions.

Stamp 1G is granted for 12 months only, except for those who have completed a master’s degree programme, when a further 12 months can be provided subject to conditions.

Summary of employment conditions for graduates
You can work full time in accordance with employment law requirements, but you are not permitted to operate a business or be self-employed. If you wish to continue working after Stamp 1G expires, you must find a job that requires an employment permit and then follow the usual application process with Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment.

While on a Stamp 1G, your other permissions and conditions remain the same as for Stamp 2

Example when used:
You may be given Stamp 1G if you have permission to:

  • Look for work as part of the Third Level Graduate Programme.

2. Spouse/de facto partner of a Critical Skills Employment Permit holder or a Spouse/de facto partner of Researchers in the State on Hosting Agreements
Stamp 1G may also be given to spouses or de facto partners of a CSEP holder or of researchers in the State on a Hosting Agreement. Stamp 1G allows the holder to take up employment without the need to obtain an employment permit.

Summary of employment conditions for spouses and de facto partners of CSEP holders and researchers on a Hosting Agreement permission:

  • Permitted to work in the State without the requirement to obtain a work permit
  • Permitted to undertake courses of study in the State
  • Not permitted to establish or operate a business
  • Not permitted to be self-employed
  • Renewal of the Stamp 1G registration should be applied for annually, and after 5 years on a Stamp 1G, you may apply for a Stamp 4.

Note: Periods spent on Stamp 1G either as a Graduate Student or a Spouse/de facto partner of a Critical Skills Employment Permit holder or a Spouse/de facto partner of Researchers in the State on Hosting Agreements are considered as reckonable residence for the purpose of making an application for Citizenship/Naturalisation.

Stamp 2

Stamp 2 indicates permission to study a full time course on the official Interim List of Eligible Programmes (ILEP) for a specified period, subject to conditions. Stamp 2 is not reckonable as residence when applying for citizenship by naturalisation.

Summary of conditions
You cannot receive any benefits or use publicly funded services (for example, public hospitals) unless you have an entitlement via other means. You can work in casual employment for a maximum of 20 hours per week during school term and 40 hours per week during holidays. You must not engage in any other business or trade.

If you wish to stay in Ireland past the expiry date of your immigration permission, you must apply to renew your permission (up to a maximum of 7 years) and registration before they expire.

Please note if you are an English language student you can only be registered on three courses of a 25 week duration. If you wish to continue studying than they need to move to a course on the ILEP.

Students can only study in the State for a maximum of 7 years.

  • You must show progression each year in your course
  • English language students must have an attendance of at least 85%.

It is a condition of all stamps granted:

  • That you obey the laws of the State
  • That you should not become involved in criminal activity

That you are continuously resident in the State for the duration of your permission with allowance for reasonable periods of absence from the State for holidays, exceptional family circ*mstances or commitments outside the State arising from business or employment carried on within the State.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 2 if you have permission to study the following:

  • English language
  • Higher national diploma
  • Degree (undergraduate)
  • Master’s degree (postgraduate)
  • PhD
  • Other.

Stamp 2A

Stamp 2A indicates permission for full time study in Ireland for a course that is not on the official Interim List of Eligible Programmes (ILEP), for a specified period. Stamp 2A is not reckonable as residence when applying for citizenship by naturalisation. Stamp 2A may also be granted to spouses of certain financially independent students in limited circ*mstances.

Summary of conditions
You cannot receive any benefits or use publicly funded services, for example, public hospitals. You must have private medical insurance.

You must not work or engage in any business, trade or profession.

If you wish to stay in Ireland past the expiry date of your immigration permission, you must apply to renew your permission and registration before they expire.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 2A in the following circ*mstances:

  • Semester abroad (that is at an Irish university/college)
  • Study at a private secondary school in Ireland
  • Spouse of financially independent student.

Stamp 3

Stamp 3 indicates permission to stay in Ireland for a specified period, subject to conditions. Stamp 3 is reckonable as residence when applying for citizenship by naturalisation.

Summary of conditions
You cannot work or engage in any business, trade or profession. If you wish to stay in Ireland past the expiry date of your immigration permission, you must apply to renew your permission and registration before they expire.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 3 if you have permission to:

  • Volunteer, for example with a charity or non-profit organisation
  • Be a minister of religion
  • Join your non-EEA/EU/Swiss spouse/civil partner or family member who is here based on a work permit.

Stamp 4

Stamp 4 indicates permission to stay in Ireland for a specified period, subject to conditions. Stamp 4 is reckonable as residence when applying for citizenship by naturalisation.

Summary of conditions
You can take up employment and are not required to hold an Employment Permit. You can work in a profession, subject to conditions of the relevant professional or other bodies.

You can establish and operate a business. You may access state funds and services as determined by Government departments or agencies. If you wish to stay in Ireland past the expiry date of your immigration permission, you must apply to renew your permission and registration before they expire.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 4, after you have had a permission to work in Ireland:

  • With a valid Critical Skills Employment Permit for 2 years
  • With a valid employment permit for 5 years
  • As a researcher (with a valid Hosting Agreement) for 2 years.

You may be given Stamp 4 if you are granted permission:

  • To join and reside with your Irish spouse, civil partner or de-facto partner
  • As a convention or programme refugee, or based on subsidiary protection
  • To join your family member who is a recognised refugee or has been granted subsidiary protection
  • To remain with your child who is an Irish citizen
  • Under the Investor and Entrepreneur Programme (including spouse/partner & eligible family member)
  • For Long Term Residence.

Stamp 4D

For eligible non-EEA family of UK citizens who are seeking to reside here after 01/01/2021. For further information please read Brexit policy doc.

Stamp 5

Stamp 5 indicates permission to stay in Ireland without change to conditions on the time you can remain here, subject to other conditions. Stamp 5 is reckonable as residence when applying for citizenship by naturalisation. The stamp will be valid up to the expiry date on your passport.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 5 if you have permission to:

  • Remain in Ireland ‘Without condition as to time’ (WCATT).

Stamp 6

Stamp 6 indicates you are an Irish citizen with dual-citizenship.

Examples when used
You may be given Stamp 6 in your non-Irish passport if you have applied for permission to:

  • Remain in Ireland ‘Without condition.’

Stamps related to EU Treaty Rights

For information on stamps and permission based on EU Treaty Rights please read theEU Treaty Rights page.

This page was last updated on June 20, 2024

Immigration permission/stamps - Immigration Service Delivery (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.