Faker's Single Digits: A Birds' Eye View - Fujiwater11037 (2024)

Chapter Text

*March XXth 2024, Villain Gang Hideout...*

*Saturation Square is sitting on the floor quietly.*

Saturation Square: ...*sighhh*... I'm real bored. I hope Dad finishes up soon...

*Finn looks up at a clock on the wall impatiently. He seems to be so focused, that they don't even look at whoever just passed by them in the hallway. They are tapped on the shoulder by that person, but they shush whoever it is. However, Saturation Square hears a strange unfamiliar voice, saying nothing but gibberish, which freaks them out enough to look at the object in front of them.*

*The object is some sort of lock, although without a keyhole at the bottom. The lock is either completely covered in or made of this weird, black, sludge-like substance. Its bright glowing red eyes stare back at Finn. SS, petrified, cannot move, and accepts whatever consequences may come next. As they shut their eyes, wishing to not look at the lock, the lock reaches out to Finn and... pats him on the head. Finn, confused, opens his eyes to see the lock petting them.*

Saturation Square: Wh-What are you doing? Wait, are you... nice?

*Finn reaches out to the sludge lock with a tentacle, to which the lock proceeds to hug it.*

Saturation Square: H-Hey, you're actually kind of... cute!

*The lock sits down next to SS.*

Saturation Square: Hmm... I should show you to Dad. I'm sure he'd be happy to see me making new friends! He hasn't been in the best mood as of late...

*Meanwhile, most of the Villains are playing a card game. Amy, Cactus, Sov and Power Square are all holding cards in their hands, sitting around a table, while Taiyo watches, lying down on the couch.*

Clock/Amy: Go fish!

Cactus: We're playing uno, dipsh*t.

Sov: For once, I agree with Cactus, open your damn eyes!

Clock/Amy: Wait, we are?!

Sov: Oh my lord, you f*cking idiot, yes, we a-

*Amy shows the others his hand and none of the cards are from uno, they just all have the uno card back.*

Cactus: Wh??? How do you even f*ck up that badly???

*She shrugs.*

Power Square: Oh, that's probably my bad, I play other card games sometimes with Finn. I must've left them in the same container as the uno cards, sorry about that...

Clock/Amy: Well, what happens with me, since obviously I have no actual legal cards?

Sov: We take them away, obviously!

Clock/Amy: So, *technically* I have 0 cards then, so I-

Sov: You're disqualified.

Clock/Amy: Crap.

Sov: Also, I kind of lost track of what was going on because of that whole fiasco, whose turn is it now?

Power Square: I think it's your turn, then me, and Cactus last.

Sov: Alright, so let's play... this!

*Sov plays a reverse card.*

Cactus: Hey... Sov. You know what would be *reeeallly* funny?~

Sov: (unamused): ...What?

*Cactus plays a reverse card.*

Sov: Oh... ohohohoho.... I think I see what you're getting at now~

Power Square: ...oh no.


Power Square: G-Guys, can't we talk about this?!


Cactus: Nope, you're stuck with us on this ride now!


Power Square: Please, I haven't won a game this month!!


Cactus: And I HAVEN'T won a game **EVER**, AND YET NOBODY THROWS GAMES FOR **ME**!


Cactus: Win it fair and square, oh wait, you're already a square! HAH!


Cactus: Uno, bitch.

Sov: ...Crap, I'm out of reverses, a shame. How did we even get so many anyway, did anyone even shuffle it?

Cactus: I thought Amy was shuffling it today.

Clock/Amy: What, I thought you were supposed to shuffle it!?

Cactus: I **never** shuffle.

Clock/Amy: Oh. Heh, s-sorry.

*Cactus is down to 1 card, Sov is down to 2 and PS is at 8.*

Sov: Y'know what, since I'm out of reverses, PS is finally gonna regain his right to play the game!

Power Square: I'm so glad that-

*Sov plays a skip, skipping PS's turn.*

Power Square: ... I'M GOING TO FU-

*SS walks into the room.*

Power Square: -UUU...

Saturation Square: Hi dad!

Power Square: -UU...uuun? UH, YEAH, I'M HAVING SOOOO MUCH FUN!! Oh, hey kiddo, nothing out of the ordinary happening here! Didja want something?

Saturation Square: Oh, no, I just wanted to show you something!

Power Square: Oh, alright. I'm not gonna win this game of Uno anyway. Lead the way!

Saturation Square: Yay!

*PS and SS leave.*

Clock/Amy: Y'know, I should probably be training right now for the invasion.

*Amy goes to train for the Faker Takeover, leaving only Cactus, Sov and Taiyo in the room.*

Cactus: Well, alright, I win!

*Cactus plays a card, however it's facing the back.*

Sov: Hey, flip it over, cheater.

Cactus: Uhh, well-

Sov: Do it.

*Cactus sighs deeply, flipping around the card, revealing that it's a custom wild card. Written on it are the following words. "Release PC or Draw 25." Sov immediately bursts out in laughter.*



Cactus: Of course it is. f*ck YOU-

Taiyo: Calm down, you two.

Sov: C'mon, Draw your 25.



*But Cactus wasn't listening. He went up to a black garbage bag next to the trash can and cut it open, taking out a lifeless, passed out PC from it. He ran outside and threw her through the air, her hitting the ground with a thud. He spit on the ground where PC laid in front of him before running back inside.*

Cactus: (breathing heavily): I... I did.... did... I DID IT! I WIN UNO, EAT sh*t AND DIE, SOV!! HAHAHAHA!

*Cactus ran out of the room.*

Sov: ...Wow. Just. Wow. I thought he was going to literally draw the number 25 or something, but... wow.

*Meanwhile, Power Square follows Finn until he's finally led to a room. Finn points to a closet.*

Power Square: Huh, a... closet?

Saturation Square: No, silly! Open the closet!~

Power Square: Uhm, okay, son?

*Power Square gently opens the door. The shadow-y and murky shapes from inside the closet seem more prevalent than usual. Bright red eyes open, glowing as they stare into PS, who hasn't even processed what's happening. The Lock steps out of the closet, slightly pushing PS away from the entrance. Power Square collapses backwards, leaning against the wall. The Lock reaches out it's hand to Power Square. He stares at the Lock for a small while, pondering his options and the situation in general. Finn looks over their dad placid-ly. Eventually, PS accepts the offer of goodwill and is helped up by the creature.*

Power Square: ...

Saturation Square: So, dad, what do you think of my new friend here?

Power Square: U-Uhm... they're... *certainly interesting...* but where did they... come.. from.. exactly?

Saturation Square: Hmmm... I dunno.

Power Square: And you just immediately trusted this suspicious figure? I thought I raised you better!

Saturation Square: Well, I was also scared of them at first as well, really! But I realized that they were nice and listened to whatever I told them, so now we're best buds!

Power Square: I mean, y'know... stranger danger and all that. You don't know what their origins are, let alone their intentions-

Taiyo: Actually, there is definitely a clear answer as to what this thing is.

*PS stumbles over again, but is caught by the Lock before he falls.*

Power Square: -OH, JEEBUS, TAIYO, YOU SCARED ME! How long have you been creepily standing there?!

Taiyo: Long enough to know what you two are talking about. Anyway, that creature... it's seemingly made up of the same substance as the strange tentacles on SS. This implies a connection between the two of you. Perhaps, in some way, a part of your sludge or tentacle was detached from you and took on a new host, being this lock object, and tried to find you? That's my hypothesis.

Saturation Square: Well, I don't remember anything like that ever happening...

Power Square: Huh... that's interesting.

Taiyo: Indeed, it is. In fact, it's so interesting that I desire to experiment on it's body and possibly confirm my research, or find a way we can use it's abilities for the Takeover plan. So, if you do not mind, I'll be taking it.

Saturation Square: H-Huh?! But I just met them...

Power Square: Don't worry, Finn. It's not like they'll be gone forever, and I'm sure Taiyo knows what he's doing.

Taiyo: I apologize for this.

*Taiyo takes the Lock creature by it's hand and drags it down to the basem*nt where he conducts his experiments. SS sadly waves at them. Down in the basem*nt, Taiyo leads the creature into a large glass tube. It tries to follow Taiyo once he walks away from the tube, but Taiyo presses a button at the base of the tube, locking the creature inside. It sits on the floor. Taiyo fiddles with a control panel and connects the creature to the tube. He starts conducting his research, watching the results shown on a monitor carefully. A while passes. The machine is almost complete with it's work and most of the data has been shown. Taiyo's eyes widen at something weird displayed on the monitor. Something that would explain the nature of the creature. Before the machine can conclude it's reading and Taiyo can finish writing down the results though, he hears a loud banging noise from the ground floor.*

Taiyo: Ugh, what is it *now?*

*AVOY had burst through the front door of the Villain Gang Hideout. Sov and Cactus walk over to AVOY, with Taiyo emerging as well to see what the ruckus is about.*



*PS, SS and Amy also join the group discussion.*

AVOY: I'm telling the TRUTH, YOU DENSE IDIOT! WHY ARE YOU DOUBTING YOUR OWN 'ALLIES'?! Hell, I didn't even WANT to be a part of your stupid group in the first place.

Power Square: *Sighhh...* what's going on this time?

Sov: Remember how we sent AVOY an invitation letter to join our group? Well, we sent him off to retrieve it this morning since he hasn't been at his apartment for god knows how long, not paying rent, and it'd be bad for us if the landlord or something discovered the letter.

Cactus: So *that's* why AVOY was gone all day.

Power Square: Honestly, I didn't even... notice...


AVOY: I'm not a hunk, but thank you.

*Sov's face turned red when he realized what he had just said.*

Sov: (flustered): UGH, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!! To make a long story short: stupid piece of candy apparently couldn't find the letter.

AVOY: Hey, I tried.

Sov: Well, I must ask you again. Are you sure? 'Cause this is VERY. IMPORTANT. So you better have had your eyes PEELED.

AVOY: Let's start from the beginning then. I went all the way back to my apartment building like you asked. I looked in my room. The only thing there was some papers, but the letter that should've been there with them *wasn't.* How could I have missed something?!

Sov: W-Well, I don't f*cking know! Maybe it got blown by a gust of wind and fell under the bed or something, I have no clue, I wasn't f*ckING **THERE!**


Sov: AND BECAUSE OF THAT, SOMEBODY KNOWS ABOUT OUR PLAN! IF THEY GET CONTACT WITH THE AUTHORITIES, IT COULD SPELL THE END FOR US! We need to act fast, Gang. I was originally gonna attack at the Final 2, as there'd be fewer contestants to deal with, but now we're gonna have to re-schedule. Y'know what we're doing this June?

*Amy's eyes light up.*

Clock/Amy: *gasp...* CELEBRATING PRIDE MONTH?!

Sov: *Sighhh...* yes, we're going to be celebrating Pride Month, but also... **we'll be going through with the Takeover Plan, after all this time.**


*April 24th, XX:XX pm...*

*Darkness. Electricity. Sparks. 1s and 0s. Thoughts fly by at impossible speeds.*

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???: *Computer!...*


???: *C'mon, wake up, buddy! You're all charged up and everything.*

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Modern Hal: **...WAKE UP!**


*Computer Hal is shook awake by Modern Hal. They're outside. It's dark outside. Darkness envelops the surrounding plant life. The calming crashing of the waves on the beach quells any sense of unease in the air. The sand below brushes against Computer and their metallic body. Computer's eyes open and he sees Modern standing over them. However, Modern looks quite disheveled and tired. Sweat rolls down his forehead.*

Computer Hal: H-H-Huh? Wh4t is th1s plac3??

Modern Hal: (heavy breathing): This... is the island on which... the Classic investigation is happening. I'm tired of waiting for the useless damn police. WE ARE FINDING HIM **TONIGHT!**

Computer Hal: 4R3 you sure? 1t c-c-could be dAnG3ROUS!! Neither of us are 1N TH3 B3ST s-shape. SpEaKiNg of which, H-H-HOW did 5hjs happen? You w3re FiNe last 1 saw you.

Modern Hal: O-Oh, that's 'cause I flew here all the way here since I realized the island wasn't too far from the Faker Dome. I... am so... f*cking... exhausted...

*Modern Hal falls face first on the ground.*

Computer Hal: M-M0D3RN!!

*Computer Hal pulled Modern up.*

Modern Hal: S-...Sorry about that... I am fully prepared to stay up all night here if we must, so let's begin. I brought a flashlight with me, we should start with the less explored area, that being the middle of the island which recently got freed up.

Computer Hal: Alr1GHT!

*Modern Hal moved forward to explore the island, constantly looking behind his back, both due to heightened paranoia from exhaustion and sleep deprivation, and to make sure that nothing bad happened to the heavily weakened Computer Hal while he was facing the other direction. The tropical growth covers the island, with the Birds resorting to cutting through the tangled leaves and vines in cases where it was too much to handle. The blinding flashlight pierces through the night, showing a clear path that Modern will follow as closely as possible. As Modern continues walking too far and too quickly as he senses something wrong and his paranoia takes over him, he hears mumbling, seemingly from Computer, although he ignores it, which is followed by a loud metal clanging sound behind him.*


Modern Hal: EEK!? What was **THAT?-** Wait... COMPUTER!!

*The worried bird turned around, seeing Computer Hal not too far from him, who bonked his head against a tree.*

Modern Hal: Oh crap oh crap oh crap- I'M SO SORRY, THIS MUST BE MY FAULT SOMEHOW, ARE YOU OKAY!?

Computer Hal: I-It is 0k4y, 1 just cAnn0T sEe ThAt well n-n-now, so i bbummmped into th1s tr33!

Modern Hal: Oh, phew!... What's up with this tree? Why would it sound metallic if you hit it?

*Modern pointed his light at the tree, illuminating the surrounding area.*

Computer Hal: ...!

Modern Hal: This tree... it's made of metal. It's completely artificial. What the hell is the point of that?

*Suddenly, a compartment opened up near the top of tree, a camera popping out of the hole.*

Modern Hal: AAAGH!-

*Modern, panicked, throws his flashlight full force at the camera, causing it to break.*

Modern Hal: Oops. Well, hey, at least we aren't getting recorded now.

*Modern drags Computer Hal along, constantly looking around and occasionally pointing his flashlight at their surroundings. As they go deeper in, the two of them begin to notice more and more of those strange mechanical trees.*

Modern Hal: Woah, what the heck is *this?*

*A huge ravine spreads in front of them, with the two sides of the ravine connected by an unstable bridge.*

Modern Hal: ...Do we head down?-

Computer Hal: UHH-HHM, d0 w3 HAVE TO??? It seems pReTtY dAnGeRoUs d0wn th-there...

Modern Hal: Well, you're right, but I doubt it could be *that* dangerous. C'mon, we're in need of some more spice! This is **our** business and **we** will be the ones to find the truth behind it with **our** own adventure.

Computer Hal: *Sighhh...* Stubb0rn aS eVeR. 0k4y then, if y-you 1ns1st.

*Modern carefully scaled down the ravine with Computer in search of clues, desperate to find his friend. They eventually reached the bottom of the desolate ravine, Modern eager to look around, and he immediately pulled out his flashlight and began to look around the place.*

Computer Hal: Y0u kn0w, this is quite 1nc0nv3n13nt since I-I d-do not have mY oWn FlAsHlIgHt or f-flashlight function, s0 1 just c4nn0t l00k a-around.

Modern Hal: Yeah, we really need to get that repair on you done soon. You're starting to make some weird spark or... kinda like... static-y noises now??? Speaking of which, you remember when that repair was scheduled fo-

Computer Hal: W41T! ...W-What did y0u just s4y?

Modern Hal: Uhh, repair... static noises... and now the time of the repair, I think that was it?

Computer Hal: Uhm, h-how d0 1 say th1s? TH-THat n01s3 is n0t m-m-my doing.

Modern Hal: Wait, but... I do hear it.

Computer Hal: HHHMmm... aagh?! I h34r it... too.

Modern Hal: ...

*The Birds both turned their heads in the direction of the origin of the static. It seemed to be coming from... nothing. A pure and solid wall of rock. But behind it was the noise of never-ending static.*

Modern Hal: Could this be... some sort of secret passage? There has to be something behind this wall that's making that damn noise...

*Modern pointed his flashlight at it and calmly examined the wall. He swiped his finger through an indentation in the wall, which formed a rectangular shape. He puts himself up against the wall, which only made the static noise clearer, and maybe it was just a delusion, but it seemed like the static was getting louder until...!*


*...Modern's phone started loudly going off with a reminder for the repairment appointment.*

Modern Hal: sh*t sh*t sh*t!- ...Well I guess that answers my question of when the appointment was. C'mon, CPU, let's go, we can investigate this place later, we only have an hour until we're supposed to be there and it will take *at least* half an hour to fully fly back home!

Computer Hal: *...Phew.*

Modern Hal: Huh? Why did you just sigh a breath of relief? You OK?

Computer Hal: O-O-O-OH Y34H! I-I am just realll tIrEd! Let u-us make h4st3!

*One (not-so) quick flight later...*

Modern Hal: W-We're here! And just in the nick of time!...

*Modern, completely exhausted and fully out of it, puts down the shaking Computer Hal right before falling face first on the grass below.*

Computer Hal: B-BRRR... 1T IS C0LD... so c0LD...

Modern Hal: *Groaaan...* Why the hell did I make you feel temperature change realistically. I gotta tell Goggles to fix that.

*Modern Hal knocks on the door to Goggles' Laboratory. He waits a short while before hearing footsteps approaching the door. The door swung wide open, hitting Modern right in the face.*

Modern Hal: GYACK!!- OW, WHAT THE ACTUAL f*ck....

Goggles: Oh, it's... *yawn...* Virgin Bird, right?

Modern Hal: Yes, of course, yes of f*cking COURSE IT'S ME! Literally no one else on this planet LOOKS LIKE ME!

Goggles: Oh, shut it, stop getting so antsy. I hit you in the face with a door while half-asleep once, and you lose your f*cking mind! Gosh, people are so sensitive nowadays.

Modern Hal: f*ck off, asshole.

Goggles: *Wooow, how scary...* You talk big for someone who pretty much needs a favor from **ME.** I could just cancel your appointment if I really wanted to-

Computer Hal: Oh, C0M3 0N, C-CA,n you 2 JU$T HURRY 1T up?!... 4P0L0G13$ for TH4T.

Modern Hal: You couldn't cancel our appointment even if you wanted to, I already paid you-

Goggles: Okay, okay, I was just joking, geez! Come inside, Virgin-by-Choice and Virgin-by-Design, I have a lot of work to do.

*Modern Hal and Computer Hal walked inside the Lab and were led by Goggles. Computer Hal had his eyes glued on a lot of the cool tech and machinery around the place. Eventually, they entered a room with a seat, similar to that of one you would see at the dentist. Modern Hal handed Goggles a piece of paper, with what seemed to be a list of some kind on it.*

Computer Hal: H-Hm? Wh4t's th4t?

Modern Hal: This paper has all of my desired wishes on your repair and additions listed and fully explained in detail.

Goggles: Wow... *this* is what you wanted me to do for you so badly? I could do this in my *sleep!* Both figuratively and literally, since I recently finished up a prototype for an invention that'll allow me to work while I sleep, meaning I can be as well rested as I desire while I--

Modern Hal: Actually, can I make an extra ask of you for a function to add?

Goggles: Ugh... Normally, I don't allow any extra last minute decisions, but since it's the dead of midnight and I couldn't care less, go ahead.

*Modern Hal handed Goggles his flashlight.*

Goggles: Really? A flashlight? That's the most useless feature I've ever-

Modern Hal: This flashlight has some sentimental value to it and... Computer, you were saying you couldn't see anything in the dark, so... here's this. Now, you'll be able to light the way for not only yourself, but others.

Computer Hal: R34lly? B-But it is your fLasHlIgHt-

Modern Hal: What's mine is yours.

Goggles: ...You could've just told me to give them night vision-

Modern Hal: Shh.

*Goggles stood there confused for a second, before going into the back of the room and getting some tools.*

Goggles: Sorry, bird brain, but you gotta leave while *this* gorgeous girl genius is at work! Can't have any dumbasses poisoning my mind and work while I'm at my most vulnerable.

Modern Hal: Right.

*Modern left the room and waited outside for a bit, but after only a short while...*

Goggles: Alright, I'm done. Come on out, Robirdbot.

*Goggles held the door open for Computer Hal, who, while a bit shy, walked through the door and approached Modern.*

Computer Hal: Wowie, I am good as new!

Modern Hal: Well, that was quick. I'm so happy to have you back in good condition again, buddy!!

Computer Hal: I am happy to be with you in full spirit once again as well, Modern!

Goggles: Wow wow wow, what a *touching* reunion... NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE, I NEED MY BEAUTY REST!

*Goggles swiftly escorted the Birds out of the lab, practically pushing them out, leading to the two stumbling out as she slammed the door shut with full strength, while the avians chatted with eachother, until stopping due to the notable lack of light.*

Modern Hal: Sooo, since you have that new function... care to do the honors?

Computer Hal: With pleasure!

*Computer Hal activated their new flashlight function, and as soon as he did...!*

Modern Hal: Oooo, that looks f*cking sick!

*Computer's eyes glow a bright yellow, shining light on the road ahead. The duo calmly begin to walk home, Modern knowing in the back of his mind, he'll either regret taking his time right now or sleep in, and dreading every second of that future.*


*Faker Dome, Final 8 Elimination...*

APOY: Welcome all to Faker's Final 8 elimination! Alumni is just within grasps for these 16 total folk, although some of them aren't here and are missing, trust me when I say that there are 16 of them. Oh, by the way, the safe players get moon rocks.


Unknown Entity: One of these 8 duos will be cut from the competition, however we can already remove 4 of those from danger, as they had placed in the upper half of the challenge, and as such, won complete invincibility and a guaranteed spot there. Those immune duos are **Jars...**

Jam: snatch!

Unknown Entity: **...Tokens...**

Tokeny: As expected!

Unknown Entity: ...and the collaboration of the **Coins** and **Guitars.**

Water Coin: Perfect as always.

Guitar: By "Guitars," you mean us, the "Instruments," right?

Ukulele: Nah, I think he meant "Strings!"

Unknown Entity: I meant neither of those and you two are both idiots.

APOY: Our 4 possible losers are as follows - Papers, Birds, Pixels and Pincushions! One of you is going home. Before we read out the votes though, let's take a look at the tokens used, shall we?

Honey: Wait, people used tokens?

Voice Box: (Pixel): Of course they f*cking would, Alumni is probably gonna mark the removal of them and/or Pacs, so we might as well use them while we can!

APOY: Hmm... oh. You guys would NOT believe me when I say this, but... it's the Cards all over again. All but one person used an Immunity Token, which means that besides any votes for that one person, most of your guys' votes will not be counted.

*Some duos are heard gasping.*

APOY: Papers, Birds and Pixels, you all used an Immunity Token, so any votes cast for one of you will not be counted. If the Pincushions receive even a single vote, they'll be heading home! However, if we get a 0-0-0-0, then we'll start up the tiebreaker.

Tomato Pincushion: I'm well aware. I am prepared to take the bullet and prevent any stupid tiebreakers from happening, as long as you allow me to do so and are willing to take the responsibility of sacrificing me to prolong your game. It's heroic, selfless and kind. I know it's something PC would've done... I wouldn't feel right making any other choice.

APOY: Well, if you say so. I'll now read the votes! First vote...

**Papers. Does not count.**

Voice Box: (Pixel): Heh.

Elaminated Cardboard: What's so funny!?

Voice Box: (Pixel): Don't you know? Having a vote for you be the first to be read out always means you'll get at least one more.

Laminated Paper: Not true, there's been loads of times where there's only one vote for the first vote receiver!

APOY: Second vote of the night...

**Papers again. Does not count.**

Laminated Paper: f*ck

Elaminated Cardboard: Meh, we're fine, even if we get a tiebreaker going.

Voice Box: (Pixel): Yeah, keep telling yourself that, "Mr. I-Got-9-Votes-Against-Me-At-Final-14."

Elaminated Cardboard: Oh shut it, that was a different case!

APOY: Vote number three...

**Pixels. Does not count.**

Voice Box: (Pixel): ...

Elaminated Cardboard: YEAH, WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!

APOY: As for the fourth vote...

**Also Pixels, which will not count.**

*The nail-biting tension keeps rising. The air is dead silent. No one dare utter a word. Modern appears weirdly calm. Computer Hal, standing close to him, seems to finally notice this.*

Computer Hal: (whispering): Hey, Modern... You are usually more panicked or attentive right about now... what has gotten you so... calm?

Modern Hal: (whispering): ...I know who's out.

Computer Hal: (whispering): Huh?! Really?

*Suddenly, in the middle of the birds' whispering, a loud voice booms throughout the elimination area.*


*The figure in shadow tripped over their own legs while running, stumbling forward in front of the stage on which APOY stood on.*

???: ...Hi. It appears I'm not only late, but I'm interrupting something big, I'm really, *really,* sorry about that!

*As the light from the torches on APOY's stage illuminates the shape and face of the shadowy figure, everything becomes clear, although somebody already figured it out as soon as they heard the figure's voice.*

Tomato Pincushion: *Gasp!* PC!! **PC!!**

Flower Pincushion: PINS!!

*The two Pincushions members hugged tightly, Flower Pincushion hopping on Tomato's podium. Tomato Pincushion's voice began to quiver as their eyes filled with tears, which began rolling down their cheeks.*

Tomato Pincushion: I... I-I... *sniff...* I thought y-you were dead. You're... okay? After everything? After all... You're still... *sniff...* o-okay?! I c-couldn't be happier right now... how did th-this happen?! Where have you been?!

Flower Pincushion: Heh... I-I'm really happy... *sniff...* to see you too... It's a long story, really, Cactus was there... he kidnapped me and put me in a trash bag... but I've e-escaped now. I walked all the way here and now, we're back! I missed you so mu-

APOY: Awww, what a cute and wholesome reunion! ...What were we doing again? Oh, right, the elimination!

The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th vote all go to **Pincushions.** Even disregarding the Pixels' and Papers' Immunity Tokens, you two were still out by a landslide, 4-2-2 vote lmao

Flower Pincushions: O-Oh no... is this... my fault...?

Tomato Pincushions: No no no no, this is entirely my fault, I'm so sorry if you're sad we won't get to compete together again, PC, I didn't mean to make you mad or anything, I-I just-

Flower Pincushion: Don't worry, I'm not upset with you or anyone else here! In fact, good job to all of you for making it to such an important point in the game, and good luck! And thank you, Pins, for being my duo partner, it was an honor!

*The Pincushions smiled warmly at each other. As they weren't paying attention, APOY grabbed the Jaw Breaker contraption and waved it around next to the duo in a joking manner. However, that mood quickly dissipated and he went for it, but before it could make contact with either of them...!*


*...UE had ripped the Jaw Breaker contraption out of APOY's hands and snapped it in half.*

APOY: Hey, that thing's expensive!

Unknown Entity: Remember. What. We. AGREED UPON?! NO. MORE. **OKAY!?**

APOY: I know, I KNOW! I was just joking! I wasn't actually gonna do it...

Unknown Entity: The look you had right before I took it speaks louder than words. If making jokes about using the Jaw Breaker helps you take your mind off of actually using it, then go ahead, but not IF IT FREAKING TEMPTS YOU!

APOY: Y-Yeah, you're right... sorry. Thanks for stopping me. I really need to learn to control myself.

Unknown Entity: It's nothing, really. I'm just looking out for a friend.

Flower Pincushion: Hey, so... can we stay?

APOY: Yep! As long as you don't interfere with the competition, you're allowed to stay here as long as you want!

Tomato Pincushion: Yay! C'mon, PC, let's go to our room, sleep and then catch up with each other!

*The Pincushions duo ran away from the elimination area. The safe players all received their moon rocks and everyone had dispersed. Computer Hal had also left to charge. Modern, all alone, looked up at the sky and wondered. About what, no one truly knows. Not even he himself. A mix of strategy, relationships and back home. One thing stuck out about this elimination to Hal though.*

Modern Hal: ...What did UE mean by "what we agreed upon"?


*Faker Dome, Alumni, Day of the Challenge Announcement...*

*Another day is upon them. Modern wakes up and rubs his eyes. He seems confused. Hal quickly glances around the room to see that Computer Hal had already left for breakfast.*

Modern Hal: Ughhh... I must've slept in then, since Computer Hal usually wakes up around ten or so minutes after breakfast begins, which is at 8 am, and the light entering the room seems to be, like, 1 pm light more than anything. What the hell was I doing last night that made me sleep in for so long?

*Then, it finally hit him.*

Modern Hal: Oh, f*ck, I forgot, I stayed up in the Faker Server VC until like, 5 am. Whoops. Well, I should probably get my day started.

*Modern got up from his bed, took a shower and got himself ready for another day of living at Faker. After months and months of staying here and over a year now of competing and spending his time on Faker, the days beginning to blend together, with the only thing keeping him sane and aware of time being the cycle of doing a challenge, the deadline, the results, the elimination and the pre-challenge break period in between. Everything became secondary to the Camp, and his mind was starting to break apart over the monotony of it all, just subconsciously begging for the next thing in the cycle to happen, although he never realized that, or the fact that he was thinking of all of that as he had his breakfast. Maybe quitting or competing in a faster paced camp would've been better for him, but with the fantastic conditions he had been living in for free and how far he had come, from a mere background character to one of Faker's star Alumni, it was way too late to quit. With that though, the fear of elimation came for him, approaching closer and closer from the deepest recesses of his mind to the front of his conscious. The better he did, the closer to stardom and recognition he is, the harder he'll fall, and the pressure was going twist the knife into him any day now, as with the obliteration of tokens, his future became more and more uncertain and things became scarier. Modern had become so attached to this life, this dome, this miniature life he had been living through. The only thing he could hope at this point was that the friends he made along the way would be willing to bite the bullet for him or have his back until the end, just like Tomato Pincushion was willing to do for the now Final 7. The only thing he could was to survive, no matter what it cost, like the instincts of a feral animal. Before Modern knew it, he had finished his breakfast and was sitting under the cool shade of a tree while all of those abstracts thoughts had been bubbling inside of him. He looked up and realized, this was the tree he'd been pierced by. The tree he had died to. While he accepted Guitar's apology and started to somewhat bond with her as of late and he tried to forgive and forget, the memory of the incident and the pain was still fresh on his mind, like paint recently applied to a canvas. That memory couldn't be just scrubbed off with some soapy water though. But, the very real fear of death was somewhat muffled and dampened by the fact that the Faker Dome had recovery centres built into it, or more so brought into it. However, Modern knew he could meet a multitude of grizzly fates even without the consequence of permanent death. Modern's worry for Classic came a knockin' once again, and the guilt began to swallow him whole. He was the reason he lost Classic. Doubt filled his very soul, wondering what the static at the island meant. Was he this close to finding him, only to get sidetracked again? This question never received an answer though, as Modern was brought back to reality by a loud noise, similar to that of a gunshot.*

Modern Hal: -HUH?! THE HELL WAS THAT???

*More gunshots were heard, until they suddenly stopped.*

Modern Hal: ...Well, that was weird-

*It was followed by the noises of what seemed to be... construction? Drilling noises and loud banging began to ring out from nearby now as well.*

Modern Hal: Okay, now you're just f*cking with me, what is it NOW??

*Modern got up and walked over to where he thought the nnoises were coming from.*

Modern Hal: So... it's coming from this... Staff-Only building then?

*As Modern turned the corner, he was greeted by something that he thought was impossible, or was at least very abnormal.*

???: OH, hey bird brai-

Modern Hal: -WOAH, WHAT??? I thought you two were supposed to be frozen!?

*SparkleBerry Milkshake was leaning against the wall of the Staff-Only area and Mango Shaved Ice was trying to look cool like SparkleBerry by trying to copy the way he was leaning against the wall, but failing pretty badly.*

SparkleBerry Milkshake: Uh, no, dipsh*t. Were you even there for our elimination?

Modern Hal: Admittedly... no. And I didn't really ask Computer for many details about it either.

SparkleBerry Milkshake: Well, I guess that explains it. Y'see, me and Mango got out, but due to an agreement made between APOY and the orb, they were releasing all of the eliminated contestants.

Mango Shaved Ice: I think it was because of a lack of budget to fund freezing all of the eliminated people for months anddd... uh, I think, just the general cruelty of the elimination method, which resulted in the change being passed.

Modern Hal: Wait, really?! that's great!

Mango Shaved Ice: I know, right? APOY allowed us to stay here as long as we don't interrupt or interfere with the competition or interact much with the contestants, which isn't half bad of a trade-off.

SparkleBerry Milkshake: I'd recommend for you to go now, like Mango said, we're not really supposed to talk with you, you got your info, now you may kindly f*ck off.

Modern Hal: Welp, 'kay then.

*Modern went over and put his hand on the door handle to the Staff-Only area, intending to open the door, until Sparkle spoke to him.*

SparkleBerry Milkshake: Breaking rules in front of my face now, ay?

Modern Hal: -Eep! S-Sorry, it's just-

SparkleBerry Milkshake: No, no, I respect the balls to do it and I couldn't care less. Go ahead if you'd like.

Modern Hal: Phew, alright then.

*Modern pushed the door open and went inside. What he found both surprised him yet at the same time, didn't surprise him at all. APOY, Pillow and The Father were all sitting around, or well, more so huddled around something in the middle of their small circle, or more so triangle. Some different tools, including a drill, were in a toolbox beside The Father, who was whistling a soft melody.*

APOY: Oh, GODDAMMIT, CAN'T YOU READ THE SIGN? IT SAYS "STAFF-ONLY!!" You are *not* staff, s-so get out! ...please?

Pillow: Please, calm down, APOY!!

*The Father noticed Hal in the room and stopped whistling his tune.*

The Father: ...Oh. Why hello there.

Modern Hal: Hi, could you explain to me what the f*ck is going on?

APOY: What's going on, is that this is the second time you've barged in and saw us doing something you weren't supposed to!! We got the walls soundproofed and EVERYTHING, just in case.

The Father: Consider this, Apoy. When has any one of us hosts mentioned even a single one of the walls not allowing sound to pass through it? I do not recall that.

APOY: ...f*ck.

Modern Hal: Yeah, that's why I came here, because of the loud ass f*cking drilling noises! What the hell could be so important that you all are trying to hide even a trace of it like maniacs?! *And also trying to build what looks like a huge missile launcher-*

The Father: ...the **Takeover.**

Modern Hal: Huh? What's a "Takeover?"

Pillow: I mean, it's literally in the name. It's when someone takes over something like a camp, similar to this one.

Modern Hal: ...why?

The Father: Motivations often vary. It is not uncommon for the desire for a "Takeover" to spawn from very spiteful conclusions.

Modern Hal: ...And why now? Why Faker? Do you even have a shred of proof to this possibly happening soon??

APOY: Yes, in fact I do. Me and UE found a letter at AVOY's Apartment, suggesting that he was invited by some sort of gang or group to concoct a scheme to an address where they'd play to take over Faker, and it was a while ago, so they could attack us any minute!

Modern Hal: ...So your response was to prepare battle weapons like paranoid loons in case that *did* happen? Even though if it really was sent a while ago, they would've certainly already done it by now?


*Apoy began to tear up. Pillow reached out and held his hand gently as he attempted to steady his breathing. After a few minutes, he returned to normal.*

Modern Hal: Well, if you have an address, just f*cking go to it?

APOY: Directly confronting them is dangerous, we don't know what they could have prepared!

Modern Hal: Call the police then?

APOY: Well, I doubt the police will take the word of a few letters to send a SWAT team to the address-

Modern Hal: -So you admit the paper is a flimsy piece of evidence. Niiice. I won't be continuing playing make-believe if you excuse me. *I swear, if you're actually right about this, I will squirt lemon juice directly in my eyes-* WAIT, THAT STILL DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY YOU'RE HIDING THIS FROM EVERYONE!

APOY: Well, everyone will be in a panic and-

Modern Hal: And what? They'll die of fear? I doubt the mere mention of a takeover is enough to cause anyone of us to shatter into a million pieces and have a mental breakdown.

*Cut to Power Square sitting on a comfortable chair, watching over Finn, who's playing with a couple of toy cars on the carpet in front of him.*

Power Square: ...I feel like I should be having a traumatic flashback right now, but I can't quite put my finger on it and as to why I feel like that.

Saturation Square: Dad, wanna play? It might distract you from whatever flashback you said you think you're about to have!

*Finn offers up a blue toy truck to Power Square. Power Square smiles warmly.*

Power Square: Of course, Son. I'm so glad you're alive and well and weren't impaled by a giant spear, I don't know what I'd do without you.

*Power Square stares at the camera. You know what you did, EpicGamer800.*

*Cut back to Hal.*

Modern Hal: And even if it did, I know that you've known about this for at least a month! Did you really think so little of us to the point that we wouldn't be able to pull ourselves together after over a month to prepare ourselves mentally and physically? We could've had like, fight training or SOMETHING!

APOY: Well, uhm-

Modern Hal: And while APOY isn't the brightest bulb in the shed, Father, I expected better from you.

The Father: Judging by your tone, I suppose that what you just uttered was in response to something quite upsetting from your point of view and was intended to disrespect me and make me feel bad. I'm just following orders. Also, the possibility of a Takeover happening and the amount of universes where it has already happened in is much higher than one would likely forsee. It isn't something to joke around about, it is very much a future we could be fast approaching, whether you embrace and accept that fact or do not act accordingly.

Modern Hal: Whatever, sorry for intruding. I'm gonna go. By the way, I just realized, where the hell is UE? Skitty not being here, I get, she's usually by the medical office anyway, but what about Entity?

The Father: We attempted to invite him so I would have the possibility and chance to teach him how to construct something like this, so we could partake in a period of time in which we bond together, like back in his childhood, but the offer was rejected. It appears that even after all this time I have been acting as the second half of our host "duo" and doing what I can to help run the competition, he's still somewhat cold when addressing and speaking with me. I wish we could spend some time together again, but perhaps that is my selfish desires showing, longing for the days of old when Entity was freshly planted onto the world and I could enlighten, share my studies, experiences and knowledge with him, and to him, I was a powerful all knowing deity who he'd trust with his life.

Modern Hal: I see. Where is he now?

APOY: Oh yeah, he went to teach Pins how to shoot a gun most effectively in preparation for the Takeover.

Modern Hal: He what.

Pillow: He went to teach Pins how to shoot a gun.

Modern Hal: ...What? I've gotta be mishearing this or something... could you repeat that again?

APOY: How many times do we have to repeat ourselves? Do I have to go slowly? UE. TEACHING. PINS. HOW. SHOOT. GUN. There, is that simple enough for you?

Modern Hal: ...So THAT'S where the gunshots were coming from??

APOY: Yeah.

*Modern Hal rushed out of the room to look for UE and Pins. Meanwhile, UE was holding Pins' arms steady as they were holding a pistol. They were aiming at a group of targets that UE placed, 2 on their left, 2 on their right and 1 in the middle.*

Unknown Entity: There, there, just a little more to the... left... anddd you're perfectly lined up with the bullseye! Now fire!

Tomato Pincushion: Y-You sure?

Unknown Entity: Of course, just fire!

*Right as Pincushion is about to pull the trigger, Modern comes running in, accidentally bumping into Pins, causing their shot to go flying at another target.*

Tomato Pincushion: Ack!

Modern Hal: Oough, sorry about that one- OW! Hurts like a bitch.

*Modern had fallen on his wing and Tomato was lying on the ground, confused at just happened. What wasn't helping their confusion though was that Entity began clapping.*

Unknown Entity: Wowie, a master in the making, eh?

Tomato Pincushion: H-...Huh? But I...

*Tomato Pincushion looked up at the target, but to their surprise, they actually managed to hit the bullseye despite the accidental interruption by Hal.*

Tomato Pincushion: W-Wow... I actually did it! I hit the target! I g-guess training really payed off after all...

Unknown Entity: Awesome, I'm proud of you, dude!

*Unknown Entity offered a fist bump to Pins, who reluctantly fist bumped Entity back. Modern Hal struggled to get up, but was helped up by Pins.*

Tomato Pincushion: Crap, are you okay?

Modern Hal: Y-Yeah, my wing-arms are just a bit sensitive and all.

Tomato Pincushion: ...They are?

Modern Hal: Uh, yes? Birds have hollow bones to make them more aerodynamic. Even though my species has evolved quite drastically from the traditional 'bird' depiction, we do still have hollow bones in our wings to help us fly better. This is like, basic biology.

Tomato Pincushion: W-Well, hey, I was never good at biology!... Or chemistry. Or math. Or-

Unknown Entity: Question to you, Hal, why did you run over here?

Modern Hal: Well, I heard gunshots in the distance so I went to go try to find the source of the noise just in case some outsider had somehow entered the Faker Dome. Instead, I found APOY and some of the other hosts working on some gear to prepare for the takeove-

Unknown Entity: W-Wait, Takeover?! How'd you know it was to deal against a Takeover? Why would he tell you?? It's supposed to be a secret according to his own rules, and he broke them just like that??

Modern Hal: Apparently, he just told me and only me because I had seen him working on this stuff multiple times now so I guess he thought he couldn't lie or ignore his way out of it.

Unknown Entity: Figures. Well, you can run along now. You confirmed our location and that the gunshots were ours, and this is supposed to be something just between the Hosts and the eliminated contestants still here. Don't want you attracting any of the other Alumni duos still in.

Modern Hal: I see. Next time, make sure to have the silencer on if you're doing something like this so openly in just... a random area inside the Faker Dome.

Unknown Entity: Yeah, we were *going to.* Also, the challenge is very very soon, so prepare yourself.

Modern Hal: Alright, see ya then. I'll make sure to get ready.

*Modern walked away from UE and Pins. As he was beginning to approach the eastern side of the Faker Dome (from the perspective of exiting the Faker hotel from the front), he was suddenly pulled away by someone into a small secluded area, surrounded by trees.*

Modern Hal: WOAH WOAH WO-

Guitar: (whispering): SSHHHHH!!... OK, there we go, phew, I don't think anyone noticed.

Modern Hal: What in the actual f*ck are you doing?! What's going on-

*Guitar placed her... foot? over Modern's mouth, covering it to prevent him from making any more unnecessary noise.*

Guitar: (whispering): Quiet down! Geez...

Modern Hal: *Sigh...* Do I have to whisper? We're in a super secluded random area, I doubt anyone will overhear this.

Guitar: Mm, yeah, fair point, I guess.

Modern Hal: Okay, so... *Why* did you pull me over here without warning into this secretive area? I'm guessing it's to discuss something in private or something that should be a secret.

Guitar: Okay, yeah, you got me, b-but... uhm... it's- I... well...

Modern Hal: Just spit it out, I doubt it'll actually impact my view of you or someone else in a negative way if that's why you're hesitating.

Guitar: O-Okay, if you say so... here goes nothing. So... Modern. The reason I pulled you aside is... *sigh...* I need to tell you something. I... I like girls. To be more specific... I... *like* like them. To be e-even more specific... I'm a lesbian. It's pride month and everything, so I thought now would be the best time to tell you.

Modern Hal: Cool.

Guitar: ...huh?

Modern Hal: I just said cool, is there something wrong with that?

Guitar: No, it's just... I expected you to be more surprised or outraged or... something.

Modern Hal: I mean, I'm Pan and I wear that sh*t like a badge of honor outside of the camp, I just don't really bring it up 'cause... why would I? It's a competition, not a dating show.

Guitar: Wait, you're also LGBTQ+?

Modern Hal: Yes? I'm surprised you didn't come out to someone else first if you didn't know I was queer myself. If you lined up all the contestants in rainbow order and slightly titled your head to the left, then any sane person would think that we're a pride parade.

Guitar: Oh. Really?

Modern Hal: Yeah, I mean, just looking at our Alumni cast, Coins are both bi I think, Tokens are both also bi and the Jars are definitely *some* fruity flavor in more way than one. Pixel is the only one I think is straight.

Guitar: And Papers?

Modern Hal: Oh, I dunno. I don't see them around often and because of how good they are in challenges, I just kinda avoid them half the time.

Guitar: Yeaahhh, that makes sense.

Modern Hal: Also, I'm pretty sure EC is hom*ophobic.

Guitar: Well, he's an asshole anyway, so I never valued his opinion either way. Maybe I should've been paying more attention to others around me...

Modern Hal: Sooo... is that all? Did you just wanna come out to someone?

Guitar: Well, that's not all I wanted, but I just didn't expect to actually be able to ask of you this second thing.

Modern Hal: I'm always down to help a friend, whatcha need?

Guitar: Well... there's this girl I recently met... and uh... she's a Mayo OC just like me... and I *may or may not sorta like her...* and I was just thinking we could spend some time together! Y-Y'know, to get to know each other better and stuff! I had an idea that the two of us could go to an alternate universe using one of The Father's LTDs, so could you do me a favor and ask him about lending one to me for a night after the challenge?

Modern Hal: Oh, okay then. You don't have to answer this, but uhm, why do **I** have to ask him? Can't you do it yourself?

Guitar: I don't know, really, it'd just feel awkward to ask him for like, a favor, considering that I've never talked to him directly before. Sorry if that's too much to ask though, you don't have to-

Modern Hal: I'll do it! I'll be your wingman anytime.

*Modern Hal snickers.*

Modern Hal: Heh... wingman, like... wing. Like a bird... get it?

Guitar: Wait, you'd really do that for me?!

Modern Hal: Of course! The Father is a really chill guy, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

Guitar: Thank you, thank you so much!!

*Guitar lied down on the grass along with Modern, who was already on it for a while as they were talking, and looked up at the sky together for a short while.*

Guitar: ...No wonder you've been doing this the entire time we were talking, this is actually very calming and peaceful.

Modern Hal: Yeah! ...I used to look up at the sky with Ace all the time before they got out, although it was usually at night because of the stars, but I must admit, doing this during the daytime? Underrated as f*ck... Hey, Guitar... sorry to pry but... what's the girl you talked about actually like? What's her name and what does she look like? I was probably busy doing the challenge myself at the time, cuz I don't think I've really seen anyone that I didn't recognize in here, at least in a while.

Guitar: Oh, well... like I said earlier, she's a Mayo OC like me and her name is-

*Suddenly, Guitar and Hal's conversation was interrupted by loud shouting, which the two of them both immediately recognized as Pixel.*


Guitar: -EEK! I... I-I...

*Guitar, embarrassed, blushing and her face redder than a certain Tomato Pincushion, ran off through the trees in the opposite direction from Pixel. Pixel, struggling to control his cardboard vessel, tried to go through the trees himself, but ended up getting caught on a branch.*

Voice Box: (Pixel): Uhhh... a little help? Please?

Modern Hal: I'm on it, give me a sec.

*Modern reached out to the cardboard Proto body and got it out of the trees, placing it beside him on a patch of grass.*

Voice Box: (Pixel): Sorry if I interrupted anything super major, Music-Girl seemed pretty upset by my presence.

Modern Hal: That's probably related to you overhearing our conversation.

Voice Box: (Pixel): Oh, yeah, DUH, that makes sense. I'll have to apologize to her later. Anyway, I'm gonna cut right to the chase. APOY put a restriction on me when I got jailed, saying something along the lines of *'Oh, while you can compete with Proto's body, you have to get back here within 3 challenges otherwise you're out hahaha I'm apoy I'm so sexy!!'*

Modern Hal: Uh, yeahhh.

Voice Box: (Pixel): Well, the thing is, I talked with APOY about it and how it was absurd that he was pretty much encouraging me to BREAK OUT of jail, like, how is any of that legal?? So, APOY took it as me being mad I only had 3 challenges, or well, months to do it. As such, he... *sigh...* said that I'll be disqualified from the competition if I don't get back to the competition grounds before the Final 6 elimination, where if I don't get back by the Final 6 elimination, he'll count me as the elimination for that round. I know, it's stupid. But sometimes, you have to beat stupid with stupid. I can't believe I'm about to ask you this but... *sigh...* can you help me come up with an escape plan?

Modern Hal: Uhmmm, I can *try,* I guess. Dunno how successful it'll be, but I can certainly make an attempt to-

*Once again, Modern Hal was interrupted in the middle of his conversation, this time however, it was due to the loud speakers of the Faker Dome blasting. The voice heard through the speaker though, was most unusual.*

Speakers: (Skitty): Hi, hi, hi everyone! It's me, Skitty! I'm saying this cuz I haven't really seen you all in a while... wait, what am I supposed to be announcing again? Oh, right, the challenge! This time, me and Pillow prepared the challenge, cuz the boys are all busy with their own shenanigans in the staff rooms and stuff... so yeah! Meet me over at the big tall hill!
...Yeah, so uh, go go go! But also... uhh... don't rush yourself, take your time, I can wait! Safe travels!

Modern Hal: Well, I suppose it's that time again. Let's go, Pixel.

Voice Box: (Pixel): Alright, off we go!

*Modern and Pixel tried to squeeze through the branches once again, with Modern quickly passing through them, only having heard the rustling of the trees as he approached the Tallest Hill. Pixel, however, had gotten stuck again. He called out to Hal, but he was too far away to hear Pixel's cries.*

Voice Box: (Pixel): C'MON, HAL!... Guitar? Tokens? Jars? Papers? Coins? Hosts? ANYONE???...


*Once Modern made his way over to the Tallest Hill, mostly everyone was already there and Computer Hal immediately greeted him.*

Computer Hal: Hello there, Modern! I have not seen you all day, how has it been?

Modern Hal: Mmm, good *enough,* I guess. Look, I dunno! It's way too early for me to gage that type of thing!

Computer Hal: Yes, I see...

*As Computer trailed off, another duo made it over to the Tallest Hill, being the Jars duo of Honey and Jam.*

Water Coin: So, that should be almost everyone, right? Me and Ice Coin, Papers, Tokens, Instruments, Birds and now Jars have arrived.

Ice Coin: Wait, I'm not *great* at math, but aren't we missing someone?

Laminated Paper: Oh, riiight, we're missing Pixels, is that correct?

Guitar: Wait, Hal, weren't you just with Pixel?

Modern Hal: I mean, yeah, but I assumed he followed me after I told him to come with me for the challenge, I didn't look behind me, so maybe he went some other direction while I wasn't paying attention. More importantly, where are the hosts? Neither Skitty nor Pillow, who are supposed to be here, are here.

Jen: Why, isn't that curious?

Water Coin: It's probably just some stupid part of the challenge. I doubt the hosts, especially ones like Skitty and Pillow, would be this late.

*Suddenly, as if on cue, a few items quickly rolled between the grouped up contestants. They were roughly the shape of grenades, although more orb-like and smooth and were a crisp white shade, leaning all so slightly towards being a light blue. Water Coin, confused, reached down to pick it up and inspect it closer, before noticing there was no pin on any of them, and right before he could say anything, a lavender colored gas began to emit from a small opening near the top. Some contestants tried to run away, although the gas quickly spread and had a very potent effect. Some coughed, or covered their mouth, but simply not breathing was not an option as the gas quickly entered duos' lungs. Objects started dropping, although the smarter of the group, such as Water Coin and Laminated Paper realized that this was sleeping gas and was likely done intentionally by the hosts to knock out the contestants and bring them to some other place. Modern Hal's conciousness quickly faded, as his vision became blurry and he stumbled over, falling down on the ground below. However, Computer Hal, being a robot, was completely unaffected by the gas and while at first was worried, after checking everyone's conditions, it was brought to their attention that the gas was completely harmless and that everyone would be okay. They smiled, happy to see that his friends would be okay, although this thought was interrupted by a sharp pain in their back. The gas had not yet cleared, and it seemed someone took advantage of this opportunity to sneak up behind CPU and Taser him, booting him down automatically...*



*Meanwhile, at the Faker Villain Gang Hideout (Time Unknown)...*

*Neck Scarf and Witch Hat, after their long trek, had reached the address of the Villain Gang House.*

Witch Hat: Woah, this feels so much more grand when standing in front of it like this...

Neck Scarf: Heh, I know, right!... Now what are you waiting for? OPEN THE DOOR!

Witch Hat: Nyeh?! Why me???

Neck Scarf: 'Cause if this is the wrong house and as you knock on the door, twenty angry wolves pop out from inside and eat you alive, I'll have better odds of escape!~... A-And ladies first and all that, y-yeah that's what I m-meant to say, g-go ahead!!

*Witch Hat gave Neck Scarf a death stare, but knocked on the door anyway.*

Witch Hat: Nyeh? Anyone there? We're looking for a guy named 'Cactus.' Does he live here?


Witch Hat: Y'know, maybe this was a horrible idea.

Neck Scarf: Yeah, I've always known that!

Witch Hat: Waaagh!? And you didn't tell me this before forcing me on this long long journey to a different city?!

Neck Scarf: Oh, well, that was a lie anyway, but in the end of things, perhaps that line of thinking is right...

*Before Neck Scarf could finish his thought though, he and Witch Hat heard footsteps on the other side. They grew closer and closer, until...!! The door opened. And on the other side stood...*

Cactus: Uh, hello?

Witch Hat: O-Oh, hi!!

Cactus: Are you another dumb kid thinking you can sell me something, 'cause if you are, then I swear-

Neck Scarf: Holy crap, that's the real deal Cactus himself! I'm suuuch a huge fan of your work!~

Cactus: Huh, my "work?"

Witch Hat: Y-Yes, we watch your streams often!

Cactus: OHHHHH, You're another couple of my adorable fans. Why didn't ya say that from the start? Come on in, my little pricklies, no matter what may be happening to you in your life, you'll always be welcome at the house of the king of plantlife.

*Cactus quickly ushered in Witch Hat and Neck Scarf into the Villain House and began to make some small talk with them, as they asked him some basic questions about his career. They walked along the hallway slowly, until Sov turned the corner to see the three walking across the corridor.*

Sov: Oh, I'M f*ckING SORRY??? Cactus, this better NOT be what I'm f*cking thinking of or I swear-

Cactus: Geez, dude, stop overreacting!


Cactus: *Sigh...* Don't listen to him, my silly little fanboy and fangirl, this is Sov. He's got a pole superglued up his ass that he can't get out and I hope he dies a miserable death so I can inherit this place in his will.

Sov: Oh, you're the LAST PERSON I'd put into my will, you pile of burning GARBAGE!

Cactus: While Sov does have that pole, he does have brief moments of Tsundere where he hides a compliment under an insult, such as here, where he emphasized *garbage* to distract you from the fact he said I was burning, meaning he thinks I'm hot.

*Sov covered his face with his hands.*


Cactus: Oh, don't worry, we know what you meant, you don't have to pretend to hate me.


*Sov ran off and locked himself in the bathroom. Cactus proceeded to give a full tour to Neck Scarf and Witch Hat, introducing them to members of the Villain Gang along the way as well.*

Cactus: This is Amy. He's a real stand up... well, clock, and frequently trains here, usually by using, like, throwing knives and throwing them at the targets here, although she's a big arsonist type of person, so occasionally, she might also go ahead use some of those skills in some fashion, although we send him outside for that. Don't want the training room to get incinerated, after all.

Witch Hat: Ooh, cool, can I have a go??

*Witch Hat reached out to grab one of Amy's throwing knives out of her hand, who wasn't paying attention to the others in the room, but as soon as Witch Hat touched it, Amy immediately turned around and threw a knife right at Witch Hat, although Neck Scarf froze it mid-air using a battle function from his partially cybernetic arm.*

Neck Scarf: Blue stop signs, baby!

Clock/Amy: Woah. Impressive. I must admit, you've earned my respect.

*Cactus continued to show NS and WH around, introducing them to Power Square, Finn and AVOY.*

Cactus: So... I think that's about everything. What'd you two think?


Cactus: Wait, really? You wanna join?

Witch Hat: Of course we do! You all seem like such fun to be around!

Cactus: Heh, well if you say so. Of course-!


Cactus: Oh, come onnn, let them! You know you want to~


*As Sov continues screaming, Cactus thinks to himself.*

Cactus: (thinking): *UGH, where's Taiyo when ya need him... he's great at mediating conflicts between us...*


*Meanwhile, at Taiyo's Lab...*

*Taiyo is calmly sitting in front of a computer. He seems to be speaking with somebody on it.*

???: So, you've done your analysis on the goopy creature I summoned, correct?

Taiyo: That's right.

???: Alright, now, as per our deal, you must share that information with me. I already did my part of the deal, I made a kerfuffle with one of the Faker contestants to distract the police as promised.

Taiyo: Actually, there is technically one more part of the deal that you must follow up on, don't try to think you're off the hook with that one. You still need to make my strength serum.

???: Actually, that is also complete. A syringe worth of the serum is finished, as per your request, and I will be sending it over for you to use during the Takeover.

Taiyo: Okay, fine then. My research has concluded that the black goop creature is from an *alternate timeline.* It's clear that our Saturation Square can't make those creatures himself, or at least doesn't know how to, so I think in order to help us in the Takeover and possibly your plan after our Takeover plan, I will have to do some more research on how to mass produce these guys, so we can use them as stands in for soldiers and man-power.

???: Alright, I am grateful for your generosity. Anything else that we could discuss-?

*Taiyo hears footsteps of at least two people heading down to the Basem*nt, and as such, cuts the conversation short with this mysterious ally of his. Power Square and Finn show themselves after reaching the basem*nt and walk up to Taiyo.*

Power Square: Hey, Taiyo-

Taiyo: -Oh, good grief! You startled me. Hello.

Power Square: Wait, did you really forget?

Taiyo: Huh, forget what?

Power Square: Dude, you told me and Finn to come down at this time so you could tell us about what's up with the lock thing!

Taiyo: Ohhh, right, well, you see-

*Despite Sov and Cactus being above the basem*nt, Sov's voice was heard loud and clear.*


Taiyo: ...I guess the results can wait. I'll tell you two the news once we deal with whatever Sov wants from me.

Power Square: Wow. I'll come with, if that's okay with you.

Taiyo: Of course. Let us make haste.

*Taiyo, Power Square and Finn all went up to the living room, where Cactus, Sov, Amy, Avoy, Neck Scarf and Witch Hat were.*

Sov: Oh, f*cking finally, that's everybody now.

Taiyo: Why did you call me over here again?

Sov: Oh, that's pretty simple. It's because SOMEONE is trying to add their stupid fans to our group, and I refuse to allow it!

Cactus: Oh, come on, their abilities are gonna come in handy! Scarf guy has his cybernetic robot arm and street smarts, meanwhile little-miss-witch-girl can literally use MAGIC! To me, this seems like the obvious choice.

Sov: As you can see, me and Cactus disagree. Because of that, I'm holding a vote on whether we add these RANDOS to OUR friend group! Stand on my side if you think they shouldn't and stand on Cactus's side if you're a dumbass.

*Power Square immediately walked over to Sov's side.*

Cactus: WHAT?!- Actually, of course the coward picks Sov. Psh. Whatever. I'm still winning the vote.

Power Square: Look, it's less about agreeing with Sov and more so not wanting to ever agree with you on ANYTHING-

Sov: Alright, who's next?

*Taiyo began approaching Cactus's side.*


*Cactus high-fives Taiyo as he walks over to Cactus's side.*

Sov: It's not over yet, damn it!

*AVOY also walked over to Cactus.*

AVOY: Honestly, I don't really care. Sov, I just don't see the harm in this.

*Amy also followed along.*

Clock/Amy: Sorry, PS, but I think this is the better choice for our group, and these two both seem like nice people!

Cactus: Ayyy, let's go, 4 votes! That's enough! My side wins!

*It took everything in him for Sov not to get angry about the outcome. Eventually, he breathed out and took a deep breath.*

Sov: ...*Sigh.* Cactus wins. Whatever.

*Cactus's side all began celebrating, along with Neck Scarf and Witch Hat.*


Sov: ...I'll prepare your rooms.


*As Modern regained consciousness, he woke up to a similar site to what he saw in the virtual reality simulation... until it hit him. This... IS the virtual reality fear simulation he entered during the Final 10 challenge. Or at the very least, the area seemed very similar to that of his simulation area. He seemed confused, that is until he felt a tap on his shoulder.*

Modern Hal: Huh-? COMPUTER!! You're here with me too?!

Computer Hal: Yep yep, I am here with you this time!

*As Modern looked around, he noticed that all of the Alumni contestants were right next to him. In front of him was a point, where 6 different slices of land met. Each ⅙th of the floor was different though, likely matching up with the fear reality of each duo that was standing on it. Below the Birds was a grassy field with a lake not too far behind them, similar to Modern's fear contest. Below the Tokens was ground of a completely pitch-black color, with blue outlines, making a tile-like appearance on the floor, and a pitch-black sky, giving it a wire frame look. Below the Instruments was a completely white void, same for the sky. Below the Jars was also a grassy field, although the field was covered in loads of flowers. The Coins' location appeared to be a small gray box without much space to move in any direction except forward. And last but not least, the Papers appeared to be on a spaceship. Before Modern could approach any of the other duos though, Skitty and Pillow came down from the sky on a gray floating platform above the area where all six of these land slices intersected.*

Skitty: Heya, everybody!! Sorry about knocking you all out earlier, Apoy said we needed to do it for suspense.

Elaminated Cardboard: Apology not accepted.

Pillow: (sarcastic): *Oooh, burn.*

Skitty: The reason why the two of us are here is to explain the challenge in front of you all! As you have noticed, you have been put into the fear virtual reality machine! This is because the challenge is pretty dangerous, so we're doing it digitally. The challenge is a pretty simple one and has been a looong time coming! The challenge this time is a **Battle Royal!** To simplify things, that means you just have to kill all of the other duos in order to win the challenge! *Although, we might run this back a few times if we feel that one round isn't enough.* Anyway, even though the challenge this time is super simple, there are quite a few complications to the whole formula.

Pillow: For starters, every duo in this reality has their own slice of land, which is the arena where this challenge will take place. Each of these slices of land was built and given the same feeling as each of your realities in the original fear challenge. Now, since I'm no coder, despite being a robot, and since The Father, who originally built this machine, is busy along with the other guys, me and Skitty had to make this whole thing ourselves. As such, we found many difficulties in this whole thing, however we made it past most of those!... Except the original purpose of the program. Me and Skitty, for the life of us, could NOT figure out how to remove the automatic fear inducing and reminding features of the program, as such, each slice of land has at least one fear thing on it, although most of them are more literal instead of being kind of a subconcious or deep thing, so use that to your advantage!

Skitty: To make things fair, I'll just state each duo's fear which you are allowed to take advantage of to defeat them in the contest. The Birds' fear is **deep water.** The Coins' fear is... a bit complex, it's kind of like an **illusion** thing that only Water Coin will see, so Ice Coin actually gets a freebie with this one. The Tokens' fear is... aww, it's so sweet! It's **seeing the other die!-** Well, that's not sweet or... good, b-but you get what I mean! It's sweet that they care about each other so much!

Pillow: The Jars' fear is... **bees.** The Papers' fear is, similar to the Coins' one, more focused on one member of the duo than the other, being Laminated Paper's fear being **Elaminated Cardboard.** And finally, the Instruments' fear! ...Wait, I don't remember their fear- Skitty, could you be a dear and let me look at the document again? Please?

Skitty: Sure!

Ukulele: G-Guitar...

Guitar: Heh, what fear could we have?

Ukulele: I-It's right... b-behind...

Guitar: We're Unbeatable, right, Ukulele!?

Ukulele: ...behind you.

Guitar: Huh?

*Guitar looked behind her to see...!*


Pillow: Oh, yeah, there we go! It's **The Pit.** It moves, by the way.

*Guitar fell to her knees.*


Ukulele: G-Tar, c'mon, pull yourself together! Mayo isn't there, we're strong! We can live this! We're fine! Yeah, and we're gonna win!

Skitty: A few other things to note include that all of your special abilities are taken away, *looking at you, Tokeny and Jen,* so you'll just have to rely on your battle knowledge, pure strength and the final gimmick!

*Pillow snapped her fingers, and as soon as she did, a truck load of cards spawned on the floor all over the place.*

Pillow: **Battle Cards!** These cards can summon weapons, special spells, grant temporary or permanent buffs, or do literally nothing! There's tons of these cards all over the place, and picking one up might just result in your victory, so look out for these!

Skitty: I think that should be it for the explanation, sooo... let's begin the challenge quickly!-

Guitar: Wait wait wait, there's only six slices though?! Where's Pixel?!

Skitty: Oh, right... Honestly, we don't know, he didn't show up to the challenge announcement, sooo yeah. Don't worry though, missing contestants are xqz'd!

Pillow: Also, Pixel himself is in jail and Proto is just a vessel for Pixel now, so neither of them could've really entered the simulation anyway, or at least Proto wouldn't have stood a chance alone. Let's hurry this up now...

Skitty: Yeah, will do! On the count of 3! 1...

Pillow: 2...

Skitty: 3!!

*As soon as Skitty yelled out three, she and Pillow disappeared from the virtual reality, leaving only the duos. With that, the challenge was on and everyone was off! Multiple duos ran forward to get to the middle, where most of the cards were. Hal, however, knowing people would go there, ran backwards instead, picking up a card behind him. Computer also followed Modern's actions and backed up as well. Modern flipped over the card he got.*

Modern Hal: "Buster Sword?"

*As soon as Hal read out the name of the card, it activated, summoning a Buster Sword in front of him.*

Modern Hal: H-Holy sh*t?! I guess I have to keep in mind to not read out my cards if I don't wanna use 'em...

*Modern Hal tried to pick up the Buster Sword, but struggled greatly. He tried and tried, but he couldn't even make a shred of progress.*

Computer Hal: Hey, Modern! I have got an idea! I have a new function now thanks to my repair, so I can transform now into a couple different items, of them being a robotic, like, fist object. I could transform into it and wrap around your arm to power you up and maybe even let you hold that sword!

Modern Hal: Hmm, interesting idea... it's just crazy enough that it might work! Alright, bring it!

*Computer Hal shined brightly as their body contorted and transformed into a robotic arm, wrapping around Modern's right wing.*


*Modern Hal attempted to pick up the Buster Sword again, but now with the help of Computer Hal, was able to fully pick it up.*

Modern Hal: Sweet. I'm all geared up now! I don't even need another BattleCard! In fact, we could just watch the others fight for a little bit.

Computer Hal: Alright!

Modern Hal: ...Random question, but how are you, a robot, in this reality?

Computer Hal: They just directly plug me in.

Modern Hal: Oh, yeah, that makes sense.

*Modern and Computer observed as the other duos fought. Tokens and Instruments were one of the duos fighting, another was Jars and Coins. Tokens were likely targeting Instruments due to how weak they are, both having obvious weaknesses, such as Guitar's intense fear of The Pit, which Jen noticed and realizing that it was also seemingly following Guitar in specific, tried to lure her into falling into it or cornering her, meanwhile Ukulele's obvious weakness was him having... no legs. Tokeny calmly walked up to Ukulele and calmly picked him up.*

Ukulele: Oh, hey Tokeny! I know last time someone picked me up was Pixel, who had killed me previously by picking me up, but thanks to him I've since realized that I shouldn't just assume that everyone who picks me up is trying to kill me, that was a silly assumption that-!

*Tokeny smashed Ukulele to pieces as Jen was still playing cat-and-mouse with Guitar. Meanwhile, in the fight between Jars and Coins, both of the Coins had ganged up on Jam and were beating the ever loving sh*t out of her while Honey sat on the grass. Water Coin got his hands on Jam and twisted the jar open, resulting in bees swarming in and eating her insides. Modern confused by the sight of it all, walked up to Honey.*

Modern Hal: Hey, Honey, aren't you gonna help Jam?

Honey: Wait, wha-?

Modern Hal: Jam is dying.


Modern Hal: ...Jam's a girl-?

*In response, Modern Hal got socked in the face by Honey before she ran off to beat up the Coins.*

Modern Hal: Ow, f*ck... I definitely deserved that though.

*Modern went back to his position and watched those two fights continue on. Honey struggled to fight, as she definitely wasn't a fighter, compared to the Coins, who were both definitely fighters. Eventually, Ice Coin decided to use the BattleCard he had collected.*

Ice Coin: GO GO GADGET!!... "Comedically Large Piano?" What's that supposed to me-

*A large magical piano appeared over Honey and Ice Coin's head, dropping down with speed and crushing both of them, knocking out Ice Coin and breaking Honey.*

Skitty: Anddd the Jars are the first ones to bite the bullet! As they're dead, their slice will be removed!

Modern Hal: WHAT?!

Water Coin: I-ICY!!!

*Shortly before the floor disappeared from under him, Water Coin scooped up Ice Coin's unconcious body from under the now broken large piano and jumped over to their slice, which was next to the Jars' slice. As the Jars' slice disappeared, it was replaced with additional space to the Coins' slice.*

Pillow: Oh, yeah, the killer of the dead duo will gain more space to their slice, replacing the dead one.

Water Coin: W-Well that would've been useful to mention BEFORE, DAMN IT!

*Meanwhile, with the Tokens vs Instruments fight, Tokeny had thrown in Ukulele's corpse into The Pit, causing said Pit to grow exponentially and corner Guitar. The Pit however, couldn't directly go under Guitar for whatever reason, so Jen took things into her own hands.*

Jen: ..."Instant Transmission."

Guitar: H-Huh?

*Suddenly, Jen instantly appeared behind Guitar, leaving her teetering on the edge of the pit. Jen pulled out another card, reading it out.*

Jen: Aandd "Strength Boost."

*Jen's power grew exponentially, and right before she attacked, she yelled out.*

Jen: THIS. IS. **FAKER!!**

Guitar: NO-

*Jen kicked Guitar full force, sending her all the way to the other side of The Pit, with Guitar slamming into it and crashing, breaking into small pieces which then fell down The Pit. If The Pit had grown any larger, Jen certainly would've dropped in as well, but thanks to both Guitar and Ukulele perishing, the slice had began to disappear. Jen, with her new-found power boost, felt confident enough to attempt jumping over The Pit, which she did and accomplished with flying colors, taking Tokeny with her. From the sky of the now Token slice, a body of some kind fell down. When Jen looked down, she noticed that it looked exactly like her, although obviously, it wasn't the real Jen.*

Jen: Oh, so *that's* what Skitty and Pillow meant by our fear. I see.

*As both of those fights ended, a new one would begin, as Modern hadn't actually fought anyone, even though that was the whole point of the challenge. The Papers duo approached Hal's slice and decided to challenge him!... Or it was more so EC, as Laminated Paper was not only afraid of EC and avoided them, but they were also looking for some extra cards to pick up. EC clawed at Hal's arm enhancement, doing some damage. Modern swung his Buster Sword around him, although even with the robotic arm, he still struggled to swing the sword at a high speed, so EC easily dodged out of the way without much issue. The two of them continued to meaninglessly swing their weapons around, not even grazing each other. EC, sick of it, pulled out their BattleCard and read it out.*

Elaminated Cardboard: "Fire Ball!"

*EC summoned a fire ball with the BattleCard, and held it in his hand before attempting to fire it. As Modern glanced at EC holding the flaming ball with an evil smirk, he suddenly remembered something. He was eerily reminded of his enemy, Mask, and his fire magic. The gears in his brain started turning, as the EC standing before him appeared as Mask in the bird's eyes. He had remembered something weird regarding all of this, until it all just... clicked. Modern was furious with what he just realized, and took his anger out on the one who reminded him of it and made him rethink it all, EC, giving a good right-hook punch to him, which thanks to Modern's new cybernetic strength, left the guy reeling. As EC lied on the ground, they read out their second card.*

Elaminated Cardboard: Ugh... "Escape Option?"

*As EC uttered those words, a huge gust of wind from below suddenly launched Hal into the sky, sending him flying. He landed on a slice of the Coins' land, although after getting launched, he had dropped his Buster Sword and it had blown away into the opposite direction, falling from the sky straight on LP's head, piercing clean through them, both killing them and causing them to drop all of the cards they had collected, which blew away into different directions. One of the cards reached Hal, who picked it up as soon as possible. He then approached Water Coin, who was still stunned after seeing Ice Coin get knocked out and was holding him tightly in his arms.*

Modern Hal: Heyyy... Water Coin.

Water Coin: ...

*Hal tried to get the coin's attention, but nothing worked. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tokeny about to jump over to the Coins' slice with a medieval sword in his hands, and as such protected him by using one of his BattleCards.*

Modern Hal: "Brick Wall!"

*A brick wall appeared, separating the Tokens' slice from the Coins' slice.*

Modern Hal: Hey, WC, I helped you. Soo, can you repay the favor and maybe help me? EC and the Tokens are both huge threats and I doubt the two of us could take them down alone.

Water Coin: ...I guess. Where do we start?

Modern Hal: I think we go for EC first, he's alone, so if we beat him, then we'll get his slice for ourselves and completely eliminate a duo from the challenge.

Water Coin: Alright, I'll summon something! ...Wait, what does this say-?

Modern Hal: *Sigh.*

*Modern took the BattleCard and read it out for Water Coin.*

Modern Hal: "Bow & Arrow."

*Modern Hal summoned a bow and arrow to shoot. He ripped up the no longer working card and passed the bow to Water Coin, who picked up the bow and took aim. EC, however, saw this coming, and as such, used one of the BattleCards Laminated Paper had.*

Elaminated Cardboard: "Anti-Projectile Bat," you f*cking IDIOT!

*As he yelled out, EC swung the bat full force, sending the arrow flying in the opposite direction, ending up going clean through Jen's arm. She immediately dropped to the ground. Tokeny quickly used a BattleCard to heal Jen up, before using one to summon a meteor, smashing through the Brick Wall between them and the Coins' slice.*

Ice Coin: (drowsy): Huuuh? What... happened?

*Modern, panicked, came up with a plan on the spot, remembering Computer Hal using something similar before him. Modern whispered something into the Coins' nonexistent ears, with Water Coin passing Ice Coin one of his BattleCards, before running deep into the Tokens' Slice, baiting them over there for the plan. Jen quickly dashed over to chase after Hal, with Ice Coin secretly following after the two, and Water Coin fighting Tokeny at the Coins' slice to get him out of Jen's view and distract Tokeny. Modern stood on a high elevation platfrom, waiting for the automatic fear to activate. After a small while of waiting, just in the nick of time, a Dead Tokeny fell from the sky as Jen saw Modern in the distance. Modern Hal acted out a fake encounter with Tokeny before giving Ice Coin the signal. Ice Coin used a BattleCard to freeze the Dead Tokeny, with Hal dropping the frozen body off the slice into the void shortly there after. This SERIOUSLY pissed Jen off.*


*Ice Coin yelled out to Modern from across the map.*


*Modern Hal tried to fly over to Ice Coin, but the arm enhancement resulted in him dropping almost immediately after taking flight, landing on Jen. He hopped off Jen and whispered to Ice Coin.*

Modern Hal: (whispering): *She's angrier, so while her attacks are gonna hit harder, she'll also become a lot more aggressive and sloppy, which we can easily take advantage of.*

Ice Coin: Ooooh, I see-

*Jen kicked Ice Coin across the area, sending him flying. He landed right in front of EC, who pulled out one of his final two BattleCards and used it.*

Elaminated Cardboard: "EARTHQUAKE!"

*Suddenly, the ground began to shake, as cracks spread across the floor. EC picked up the dazed Ice Coin and threw him into the newly formed path straight down into the void. EC ran over to attack Water Coin and finish off the Duo, as revenge for trying to shoot him. Meanwhile, Hal was dancing with the devil, attempting to avoid all of Jen's blows, although it wasn't as hard as he imagined, and Jen quickly began to run low on stamina. Eventually, Jen had tired herself out and aside from a crack to Computer Hal, the Birds got out mostly unharmed.*

Modern Hal: "Fist Thingy," ACTIVATE!

*The Fist Thingy appeared from behind the Hals and hit Jen, launching her further into the Tokens' slice and sending her to the void, eliminating her from the challenge. Modern, proud of himself and what he accomplished, left the Tokens' slice to check up on Water Coin but, sadly for him, it was too late. Tokeny stood over Water Coin's bloody corpse with a sword, simply staring down, meanwhile EC taunted Hal from a distance.*

Elaminated Cardboard: Heh, how's it feel, loser, we killed your ally and now, with our powers combined, you'll surely be next!

Tokeny: Ohh, yeah about that, I knew you were going to "Backstab" me the first chance you got so-

Elaminated Cardboard: WHAT?! HOW DID-

*Before EC could finish his sentence though, he was quite literally stabbed through the back thanks to Tokeny's last BattleCard, leading to the Papers' slice turning into another one belonging to Tokeny. Modern frantically pulled out his last BattleCard.*

Modern Hal: I- uh- well- screw you, "Lance!"

*A lance appeared in Modern Hal's right hand and Tokeny dashed at Modern, attacking the bird with his medieval sword. Modern, not expecting much from Tokeny, was surprised by his force and was pushed back into the recesses of the slice he was just in. Tokeny made many a blows towards Hal, who tried to parry them all, but was mostly unsuccessful, resulting in Computer Hal getting hit some more as the two were pushed back even farther.*

Computer Hal: I-I-I... DO NOT KNOW H0w much M0R3 I cAn TaKe-

Modern Hal: Damn it, I... no- WE won't lose!

*The two of them continued to clash, eventually though, Hal was pushed to the edge, and in a moment of pure desperation, despite Computer's poor condition, slammed Tokeny with his right arm. The attack was quite a heavy one, but Tokeny would've been okay!... That is if it wasn't for the side-effects of Modern's brash move there. Computer had sustained enough damage in the more compact accessory form, resulting in him falling apart and EXPLODING! This pushed Hal all the way to the farthest back platform of the slice and Tokeny to the point of intersection between slices. The two stared at each other on opposite sides of the arena, unmoving, fingers twitching for their weapons, like some sort of Wild Western showdown. Both Tokeny and Modern still retained their weapons. Swiftly, they both picked up their respective weapons and charged at each other as if they were jousting. They were both moving super fast and at any moment, this could come to an end, and the result was...!*


Faker's Single Digits: A Birds' Eye View - Fujiwater11037 (1)
*Goofy music is playing in the background. Mask is sitting on his spin-able office chair. His computer is on in the background. He has a couple of letters laying on his desk beside him.*

Mask: Hey, folks! View- I-I MEAN... *deep breath...* Mask Mail time again! Oh, here's one from Fuji, age 15.

*He carefully opened the letter, taking a glance at the note inside.*

Mask: "Dear Mask, aren't you interrupting the challenge at the most suspenseful part?" Well, the answer is yes, Fuji, yes I am! ...We do have a couple minutes of run time left, so... why not read out the rest of these? I'm sure nothing important is happening while I'm doing this!

*Mask crumpled up the letter he read, threw it in the trash, and grabbed a new one.*

Mask: This next one is from... "Eh-mim-der?" Whoever that is. "What are your plans for future EVIL activities? I bet you'll do some mind control next!" Hmm, good question, however my endeavors are for me to know and me to know alone. I *will* put mind control on my to-do list though.

*Mask grabbed the next letter in the pile.*

Mask: From Kit, "Screw you, you stupid noodle hair magic loving loser, you probably bought your spell book on wish.com, and your stupid noodle face was probably..." *hurk...!* "...swimming in broth in your mother's womb-" OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT TO **ANYONE** EVER, IM GONNA BARF--

*The screen turned to static, displaying a technical difficulties screen for a while. Eventually, Mask Mail was back on the air. Mask looked very dazed and out of it. He was also holding a barf bag in his hands.*

Mask: W-Well, that sure was a Mask Mail segment! That was our last piece of mail for today, and also the last piece of mail EVER because I'm NEVER doing this stupid joke AGAIN. Don't keep those cards and letters coming, because I won't read them. No thanks for watching and I won't see you all in the next one.

*End of Mask Mail Segment.*

Faker's Single Digits: A Birds' Eye View - Fujiwater11037 (2)

Modern Hal: *Huff... puff...* I did it? I DID IT!

*In the end, Modern Hal's lance hit Tokeny first, as the bird ducked under the tip of the blade, making it just barely miss. Modern let go of his lance to celebrate as Tokeny lay on the ground, bleeding out.*

Tokeny: ...I g-guess we lost then- *COUGH, COUGH...* Good for you, Hal, good for you. Win this for... me... don't let me and Jen's deaths... be... in... ...vain....

*Tokeny expired.*

Modern Hal: Sweet.

*All of the slices belonging to the Tokens went to Hal. However, there was still one discrepancy. The Coins' slice was still there, meaning one of their members was alive.*

Modern Hal: Wait... Coins... but... Water Coin was definitely dead, I saw him die by my own eyes, damn it!... ICE COIN.

*As if on cue, Ice Coin crawled out from the cracks of EC's earthquake.*

Ice Coin: Yeah, that's right, I lived, bitch! I survived EC throwing me down this hole because I pulled a Henry Stickmin and clung on for dear life, ending up in a position where nobody could see me! As such, everyone assumed that I was dead and-

*As Ice Coin was monolog-ing, Hal payed no attention to Ice Coin's speech as he picked up an unused BattleCard lying on the ground and used it.*

Ice Coin: And like that, you'll fall to your knees in defeat-!

Modern Hal: "Really Fast Metal Pipe Flying Towards your Skull."

Ice Coin: ...whu-?

*A really fast metal pipe launched out of the card, making impact with Ice Coin's head.*


*This immediately knocked Ice Coin out cold once again, leading to him falling backwards into the crack of the earthquake and being consumed by the void below.*

Skitty: And with that, the final duo has been eradicated! As Modern Hal is the last survivor, **the Birds win the challenge!**

*YAY!! sound effect*

Pillow: You will now be booted out of the program.

*With the challenge coming to a close, Hal's vision faded and he was kicked out of the program. He then awoke in the real world. Everything was dark. Shortly afterwards, Hal realized that he probably had a headset on him. Before he could pull it off of his head though, someone did it for him. Modern turned around to see Computer Hal, smiling. He looked around at his surroundings, spotting Skitty and Pillow standing next to the machine and a few of the contestants sitting around, chatting. It seemed to be getting pretty late, as he could see the sun was setting outside the tent.*

Skitty: Morning, sunshine!~

Pillow: Congratulations on winning the challenge!

Modern Hal: Mmm, I mean, it wasn't really my doing, it was more so Computer giving me a power boost-

Computer Hal: Even so, how you fought after I died was AWESOME! I am very happy with how we did, especially you. I could not be prouder to have helped you, creator.

*Modern was speechless. All that he could reply to that with was a hug.*

Skitty: Aww, they're so wholesome!

*With that, Modern had completed the challenge. He wiped a tear from his eye and walked out of the tent with Computer. He was going to go relax for the rest of the day, that is until he realized something.*

Modern Hal: Oh, wait, crap I've got a favor to do for someone. Computer, you can go ahead to our room without me. I'll go do it.

Computer Hal: Oh! Okay, as you wish.

*While Computer went up the stairs of the Faker hotel to their room, Modern went down to the basem*nt, where The Father was usually supposed to be. He hopped down the stairs until reaching the bottom. Modern was greeted by quite a load of scientific equipment and different mechanical pieces lying around the place. Eventually, Modern ran into The Father as expected.*

Modern Hal: Hey, Father.

The Father: Hello there, Hal. What must you ask of me? Or at least, I assume the reason you went down here was to meet me while on a quest for knowledge and attempt to quench your insatiable craving for information.

Modern Hal: Uhh, kinda? I just need you to do me and a friend of mine a favor.

The Father: Hm, alright then, what is the type of request, if you could clarify?

Modern Hal: Well, we just need to borrow one of your LTDs if that's okay.

The Father: That is somewhat acceptable, although connected to the LTDs are machines that can change which reality you are going to, which I unfortunately cannot trust anyone with aside from myself. If you wish to borrow a LTD, then you and whoever else asked for it will have to select a dimension for it to send you beforehand.

Modern Hal: Ahh, okay, I see. Alright, I'll... uhh, come back later when the two of us have decided upon what the general concept of the reality we'd like to go to is.

The Father: Okay, thank you for speaking to me of your own free will, even if it is for your own benefit. Usually, competitors rarely speak to me unless they're forced to in some way, such as me being the host of a challenge for example.

Modern Hal: That's a shame, I think you're a pretty cool guy! Well, that's all I wanted to ask of you, so uh, see you tomorrow!

The Father: The feeling is mutual. Best wishes.

*Modern went up to the surface and went outside, looking at the beautiful sunset.*

Modern Hal: Man... I just realized, Pixel STILL isn't here, where the hell has he been??

*Suddenly, it hit him.*

Modern Hal: Wait... HE'S STUCK ON A TREE BRANCH, ISN'T HE?? He had been getting stuck to those branches before and he would've had to pass through the trees if he wanted to get out and go to the challenge. DAMN IT. I'M COMING TO HELP YOU, PIXEL!

*Modern ran off.*


*After-Credits Scene...*

*Computer Hal suddenly felt something. As he regained conciousness, he realized that the thing he felt was Modern unplugging them to wake them up. It was the dead of night.*

Computer Hal: (drowsy): Huh? What is going on? Hal? Why did you wake me?

Modern Hal: We are going back to that damn island. About over a month ago, we went to the weird ass island on which Classic disappeared on. We did find something, but we got sidetracked and never went back there. However, during the challenge THOUGH, I was reminded of Mask and that's when it all hit me. Who would have a motive to screw with me for the funsies? Mask. We had already been butting heads a lot beforehand, but me beating him and joining the camp instead of him was probably the camel that broke the straw's back-

Computer Hal: You mean straw that broke the camel's back.

Modern Hal: LOOK, I'M TIRED AS HELL, you get what I mean. Who would have a motive to screw with my Faker partner specifically? Mask. Wand was sabotaged by someone in his final challenge before getting disqualified, and the reason behind his disqualification was him not being able to be recovered because someone removed him from the recovery list. Obviously, it was a third party, and the only reason someone would do that is if they're a petty spiteful bitch, that SCREAMS MASK! Who would be able to set up the type of magic barrier that was set up on the island to hide their crime? MASK. THE BASTARD USES MAGIC REGULARLY! HE'S AN EXPERT IN IT FACT, WHICH IS THE REASON I EVEN HIRED HIM TO HELP ME WITH MY CAMP BEHIND THE SCENES IN THE FIRST PLACE! And the silver bullet is that during the racing challenge, Wand was taken down by a fireball from someone not on the track. And guess who primarily uses fire magic? MASK. HELL, I EVEN SAW SOMEONE ON A CLOUD ABOVE US AT THE TIME, BUT I GOT DISTRACTED AND COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT UNTIL NOW! THAT FIGURE HAD TO BE HIM. MASK IS THE ONE BEHIND THIS, I'M CONVINCED. And I won't let that **BASTARD** ESCAPE HIS PUNISHMENT! WE HAVE TO GO, NOW!

Computer Hal: Hmm, all that information does point to him being the perpetrator. Let us go then.

Modern Hal: Okay, can you fly this time though? You're much heavier than and with your new repaired self, I'm sure you'd also get there quicker.

Computer Hal: As you wish!

*Computer Hal and Modern Hal ran outside of the Faker Dome without no break. Once the two of them were outside, Computer Hal transformed, sprouting two airplane wings. Modern Hal hopped onto him and the duo flew over to the island.*


*Once at the island, Computer Hal stopped at the bridge and Modern quickly hopped off of him. The two birds jumped down, with Computer pointing his new flashlight function at the spot of suspicion from last time.*

Modern Hal: Alright, that's good, nowww... shoot at it.

Computer Hal: Huh?

Modern Hal: I said shoot at it! It's bound to break eventually.

Computer Hal: Seems like a waste of bullets to me, but if you wish.

*A minigun popped out from a compartment in Computer Hal, firing bullet after bullet at the presumed hidden passageway, dealing small chip damage. Eventually, the thing ran out of bullets, although they could see some light peering through the holes in the door. Modern ordered Computer to stop and Modern took a look inside. As soon as his vision focused, his suspicions were immediately confirmed. Mask, panicked, was hurriedly packing up his most needed and important items, such as a laptop which presumedly had some info on it.*


Mask: OH f*ck OH f*ck OH f*ck OH f*ck-

*Modern, in a state of pure fury, bashed his head against the fragile remains of the passageway to knock it over, with Computer Hal joining in as well. Finally, the stone wall had broken and fell forward, revealing the inside of Mask's hideout.*

Modern Hal: If you think you're getting out of this THIS easily, you are SORELY MISTAKEN!

*Modern's heart was beating out of his chest and what he was about to hear wouldn't help with that.*


Modern Hal: AAA- CLASSIC!!

*Tears immediately filled Modern's eyes as he rushed over to a corner of the room, where he saw Classic taped to the wall. Modern dashed to Classic's side and attempted to rip off the tape while Computer analyzed the room. As Modern did this, Classic spoke to him.*

Classic Hal: I can't believe this, I never thought I'd see you again! I still don't know how to react or what to say or- WAIT, there's something important I need to tell you, this maniac found a document lying around and this one was most interesting, it was regarding some stuff regarding your past that you really need to know. You see, Hal, I'm not sure if your parents ever told you about this, but-

*Before Classic could finish his sentence, Mask, who had been standing there for a couple seconds to charge up his fire magic, shot a fireball directly at Modern. He rolled away from the fireball, although the fire from it spread to Classic. Mask ripped the tape clean off as Hal had already done some considerable damage to it and picked up the screaming Classic, whose tail was about to be engulfed in fire, and threw him against the ground, putting out the fire. Mask quickly scooped the dazed bird up and ran to one of the rooms of the hideout. Modern tried to tackle Mask, but the pathetic bastard dodged away from Modern and decided to switch which room he was going to escape to. Computer followed Mask down the hall and jet-boosted himself into Mask, which bounced him across the hall into a room, although lucky for Mask, this was the one he was going to go to. Mask used his other hand to pick up a knocked out object, who appeared to be a white spiky strand of hair, and, using his foot, rolled over a strange purple orb into his direction and carefully tried to balance on the orb. Computer Hal charged an electric attack to shock Mask, but right before it hit, Mask had balanced on the orb for long enough to teleport him away. Mask had teleported along with his two victims to Neck Scarf's house, which wasn't going to be in use as NS and WH were sleeping at Villain House now. Mask had also transported a lot of his most important belongings here. Before doing anything else, Mask took the purple orb and quickly shoved into a safe, this way the Birds wouldn't be able to follow him. Mask then finally breathed a sigh of relief, as with the purple orb in the safe, he was completely safe and the birds wouldn't be able to run after him. Meanwhile at the original island hideout, Computer is shocked and tells Modern about the bad news...*

Computer Hal: I am so sorry, but that seems to be the truth.

Modern Hal: I-I can't believe it... no. I refuse to believe it. We can still act! We just need time! We, together, can search this place, and with it, we'll finally be able to take down that bastard.

*Modern held his head up high and continued to search the hideout along with Computer Hal.*

Modern Hal: For starters, though, we're definitely taking that purple orb Mask disappeared into, right?

Computer Hal: Right, we are pocketing that.

*Computer grabbed the orb. The Birds duo didn't take a very long time exploring this place though, as almost everything important had been transported, so there wasn't much left to actually investigate. The two birds went up to each other and reviewed what they discovered.*

Modern Hal: Alright, so, all I really found was this green serum labeled "Power Serum." It seems to just incredibly power-up it's user.

Computer Hal: Well, all I found was this list.

*Computer handed Modern a list. On there were a bunch of different names of people he was at least acquainted with. Each name also had a checkbox next to it, with a few of them having a checkmark written next to them.*

Modern Hal: Huh, I'm guessing he was looking at who I wasn't interacting with much, since most of the people on this list who are checked, I haven't talked to in a while. Weird. I guess we can keep it.

Computer Hal: Another thing I found strange is that all of your family are circled.

*Modern took another look at the list, and Computer was right.*

Modern Hal: Huh, that's right. That still doesn't help me make a conclusion on what this list is supposed to BE of. I guess that's all then-

Computer Hal: WAIT. There is something on the back.

Modern Hal: Huh?

*Modern took a quick look at the back.*

Modern Hal: A...Are you f*ckING KIDDING ME?! The Hosts... were actually right about the Takeover after all. This is the list of members participating in the Faker Takeover along with some of their strategies. f*ck. We gotta get this to the hosts, and FAST.

Computer Hal: Will do.

Modern Hal: Oh, by the way, thank you, Computer Hal. For everything. For helping me out with all of this crazy stuff. I really needed your support and if it wasn't for you and your skills, I wouldn't have made it this far.

Computer Hal: No, thank YOU for doing everything for me. For creating me. For letting me participate in the camp. For allowing me to strategize and do these crazy challenges. For taking care of me. I am forever indebted and grateful to you.

Modern Hal: I-I... Goddammit, you hit me in the feels again...

*The Birds hugged each other once more.*

Computer Hal: Alright, let us go now!

*Modern and Computer had finished their investigation and walked outside of passageway.*

Modern Hal: ...Wonder what the police is gonna think of this.

*Computer Hal got into flying mode, as Modern Hal had put all of the items they were taking into a bag they found inside. Modern jumped onto Computer Hal's back, and with that, they began their flight back home.*

**THE END.**
*To be continued...?*

Faker's Single Digits: A Birds' Eye View - Fujiwater11037 (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.